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John Tenhunen: Projects

Completed Projects

  • Complex Terrain and Ecological Heterogeneity - Evaluating ecosystem services in production versus water yield and water quality in mountainous landscapes - (Terreco Cluster A0-1)
    Bhone Nay Htoon, John Tenhunen, Christiane Werner [Details]

  • Modelling soil greenhouse gas exchange of the Haean catchment (TERRECO WP 2-15)
    Young-Sun Kim, Ralf Kiese, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Landscape level carbon and water balances and agricultural production in mountainous terrein of the Haean Basin, South Korea (TERRECO WP 3-03)
    Bora Lee, John Tenhunen, Hyojung Kwon, Bernd Huwe, Sinkyu Kang [Details]

  • Modeling the economic tradeoffs between agricultural production and environmental protection in Haean catchment (TERRECO WP 4-01)
    Trung Thanh Nguyen, John Tenhunen, Mario Larch [Details]

  • Spatial assessment of atmosphere-ecosystem exchanges via micrometeorological measurements, footprint modelling and mesoscale simulations (TERRECO WP 1-02)
    Peng Zhao, Johannes Lüers, Thomas Foken, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Transpiration and water use efficiency of tree species and stands in Korean montane forests (TERRECO WP 1-04)
    Eun-Young Jung, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, John Tenhunen, Sinkyu Kang [Details]

  • Analysis and modeling of flow systems in soils under different topographic and land use conditions (TERRECO WP 2-10)
    Marianne Ruidisch, Camila Gaviria, Bernd Huwe, Stefan Peiffer, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Snails as biological weed control agents in rice paddies of Haean catchment (TERRECO WP 3-05)
    Kati Wenzel, Björn Reineking, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Mediterranean Terrestrial Ecosystems and Increasing Drought: vulnerability assessment (MIND)
    Markus Reichstein, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Assessment of the European Terrestrial Carbon balance (CARBOEUROPE-IP)
    John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Effects of Land-use changes on sources, sinks and fluxes of carbon in European mountain areas (CARBOMONT)
    John Tenhunen [Details]

  • VERTIKO: Vertical transport of energy and trace gases at anchor stations and their time and space extrapolation under complex natural conditions (VERTIKO-UBT2)
    John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Integrative techniques, scenarios and strategies regarding global change of the water cycle (Glowa-Danube)
    Markus Reichstein, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Ecosystem Management in Cultural Landscapes (US/EU)
    John Tenhunen [Details]

  • An investigation on Carbon and Energy exchanges of terrestrial ecosystems in Europe (CARBOEUROFLUX)
    John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Carbon Balance Estimates and Resource Management - Support with Data from Projekt Networks Implemented at European Continal Scale (CARBODATA)
    John Tenhunen [Details]

Projects from other divisions

  • Pharmaceutical Transport in Agricultural Soils (TERRECO Cluster A-06)
    Jong Yol Park, Bernd Huwe, Stefan Peiffer, Yong Sik Ok, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • LandClim Forest Production and Water Use Model (TERRECO Cluster F-01)
    Kwanghun Choi, Björn Reineking, John Tenhunen, Bernd Huwe, Jong Hwan Lim [Details]

  • Forest Management and Economics in Soyang Watershed (TERRECO Cluster F-05)
    Cosmas Lambini, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Thomas Koellner, John Tenhunen, Chan Ryul Park [Details]

  • Variation in Forest Structure and Transpirational Water Use in Korea (TERRECO Cluster F-06)
    Thinh Duy Nguyen, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, John Tenhunen, Björn Reineking, Sinkyu Kang [Details]

  • Economics of Water Management in Soyang Watershed (TERRECO Cluster H-04)
    Ik-Chang Choi, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Hio-Jung Shin, John Tenhunen, Thomas Koellner [Details]

  • SWAT & PIXGRO Modelling of Plant Production and Nutrient Uptake (TERRECO Cluster S-02)
    Marianne Ruidisch, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Comparisons of net ecosystem CO2 exchange, carbon gain, growth and water use efficiency of agricultural crops in small catchments in Korea (TERRECO WP 3-01)
    Steve Lindner, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, John Tenhunen, Gian-Reto Walther [Details]

Completed Projects

  • Agent-based Model of Land Use Change in Soyang Watershed (TERRECO Cluster S-01)
    Ilkwon Kim, Thomas Koellner, Björn Reineking, Soo Jin Park, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Climate Change and Validation of Rice and Root Crop Production Models (TERRECO Cluster A-01)
    Bhone Nay Htoon, Christiane Werner, John Tenhunen, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, Jonghan Ko [Details]

  • Linking Remote Sensing to Crop Production (TERRECO Cluster A-04)
    Wei Xue, John Tenhunen, Jonghan Ko, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, Christiane Werner [Details]

  • Environmental Efficiency of Farming Production (TERRECO Cluster A-02)
    Ganga Ram Maharjan, John Tenhunen, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Bernd Huwe, Yong Sik Ok [Details]

  • Bayesian statistical approaches for parameterization of landscape agricultural production models (TERRECO WP 3-02)
    Bumsuk Seo, John Tenhunen, Thomas Koellner, Björn Reineking [Details]

  • Field Margin Biodiversity and Landscape Function (TERRECO Cluster A-03)
    Hamada Elsayed Ali, Björn Reineking, Bernd Huwe, John Tenhunen, Dowon Lee [Details]

  • Water Policy and Vulnerabilities in Soyang Watershed (TERRECO Cluster H-05)
    Jintae Hwang, Detlef Müller-Mahn, Sang-Hun Lee, Thomas Koellner, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Canopy conductance controls on water use by Korean forests (TERRECO WP 1-05)
    Eun-Young Jung, Minseok Kang, Junghoon Lee, Joon Kim, Hyojung Kwon, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Stable Isotope Linkage of Forest WUE and Carbon Gain (TERRECO Cluster F-07)
    Eun-Young Jung, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, Christiane Werner, John Tenhunen, Jong Hwan Lim [Details]

  • Controls on ecosystem water use and carbon gain at Mt. Kilimanjaro – differentiation along climate gradients and with land use from the savanna to the alpine zone (KiLi SP 2)
    John Tenhunen, Bernd Huwe, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, Bruno Glaser, John Collins Onyango [Details]

  • Ecosystem Management in Cultural Landscapes (Ecosystem Management)
    John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Waldstruktur und Bestandestranspiration von Standorten mit Ahorn, Birke und Erle im zentralen Fichtelgebirge (BITÖK-C1)
    Marco Pecchiari, Markus Schmidt, Paul Stoy, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Stressphysiologie, Primärproduktion und Dynamik amazonischer Waldsysteme - Holzatmung und CO2-Bilanz (SHIFT)
    Reiner Zimmermann, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • The role of light climate and leaf area development for canopy-water and CO2 fluxes along a gradient of tree species and structure in the Steigerwald (BITÖK-A 1)
    Stefan Fleck, Barbara Köstner, Markus Schmidt, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Development of a 3-D-mixed stand model for the nitrogen dependent CO2 and water exchange of mixed beech stands in Northern Bavaria (BITÖK-A 2)
    Stefan Fleck, Jens-Arne Subke, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Landscape-oriented recording registration of water use in managed forest stands (BITÖK-C 1)
    Andrew Angeli, Marco Pecchiari, Reiner Zimmermann, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Carbon and water fluxes of Mediterranean forests and impacts of land use/cover changes (MEDEFLU)
    Markus Reichstein, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emission Modelling for European Forest Canopies (VOCAMOD)
    Wolfgang Faltin, Ülo Niinemets, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Ecological effects of land use changes on European terrestrial mountain ecosystems (ECOMONT)
    Hans-Joachim Scharfenberg, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Long term carbon dioxide and water vapour fluxes of European forests and interactions with the climate system (EUROFLUX)
    Wolfgang Faltin, Ernst-Detlef Schulze, Michael Wedler, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Anpassung von Waldbäumen an Lichtgradienten im Kronenraum (Kronenraum)
    Barbara Köstner, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Effects of climate change on carbon gain, transpiration and water budget of forests and meadows along altitudinal gradients in southern Bavaria (BayForKlim-K3)
    Eva-Maria Falge, Ralf Geyer, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Evapotranspiration and CO2 gas exchange of the understory in forest ecosystems (BITÖK-W 1)
    Hans-Joachim Scharfenberg, Michael Wedler, Reiner Zimmermann, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Exchange processes at the vegetation-atmosphere-interface: canopy transpiration and conductance as key variables in forests of different structure (BITÖK-W 2)
    Barbara Köstner, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Development of physically-based models of forest gas exchange at the catchment scale (BITÖK-W 3)
    Wolfgang Faltin, Stefan Fleck, Ulrich Joss, Bertram Ostendorf, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Characterization of Spatial Heterogeneity in Transpiration from Different Spruce Stands (BITÖK-W 4)
    Martina Alsheimer, John Tenhunen [Details]

  • Soil water availability effects on transpiration and canopy conductance of Pinus sylvestris (BITÖK-W 5)
    Barbara Köstner, Nils Sturm, John Tenhunen [Details]

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