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VERTIKO: Vertical transport of energy and trace gases at anchor stations and their time and space extrapolation under complex natural conditions


From 04/2000 to 03/2004

Principal Investigator: John Tenhunen
Grant: VERTIKO VERTIKO: Vertikaltransporte von Energie- und Spurenstoffen an Ankerstationen und ihre räumlich/zeitliche Extrapolation unter komplexen natürlichen Bedingungen
Homepage: http://www.afo2000-vertiko.de/

List of publications of this Project

Beyrich, F; Richter, SH; Weisensee, U; Kohsiek, W; Lohse, H; DeBruin, H; Foken, T; Göckede, M; Berger, FH; Vogt, R; Batchvarova, E: Experimental determination of turbulent fluxes over the heterogeneous LITFASS area: Selected results from the LITFASS-98 experiment, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 73, 19-34 (2002)
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