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Christine Alewell: Publications

-- 2012 --
Jung, BJ; Lee, HJ; Jeong, JJ; Owen, J; Kim, B; Meusburger, K; Alewell, C; Gebauer, G; Shope, C; Park, J-H: Storm pulses and varying sources of hydrologic carbon export from a mountainous watershed, Journal of Hydrology, 440-441, 90-101 (2012), doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.03.030 -- Details

-- 2008 --
Alewell, C; Paul, S; Lischeid, G; Storck, F: Co-Regulation of redox processes in freshwater wetlands as a function of organic matter availability?, The Science of the Total Environment, 404, 335-342 (2008) -- Details
Mitchell, MJ; Alewell, C: Sulfur transformations and fluxes in Chesworth, W.: Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, The encyclopedia of Soil Science, Springer, 757-764 (2008)

-- 2007 --
Lischeid, G; Kolb, A; Alewell, C; Paul, S: Impact of redox and transport processes in a riparian wetland on stream water quality in the Fichtelgebirge region, southern Germany, Hydrological Processes, 21, 123-132 (2007), doi:DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6227 -- Details

-- 2006 --
Alewell, C; Paul, S; Lischeid, G; Küsel, K; Gehre, M: Characterizing the redox status in three different forested wetlands with geochemical data, Environmental Science and Technology, 40, 7609-7615 (2006), doi:DOI: 10.1021/es061018y -- Details
Paul, S; Küsel, K; Alewell, C: Reduction processes in forest wetlands: Tracking down heterogeneity of source/sink functions with a combination of methods, Soil Biology Biochemistry, 38, 1028-1039 (2006), doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2005.09.001 -- Details

-- 2004 --
Alewell, C; Lischeid, G; Hell, U; Manderscheid, B: High temporal resolution of ion fluxes in semi-natural ecosystems - gain of information or waste of resources?, Biogeochemistry, 69, 19-35 (2004), doi:10.1023/B:BIOG.0000031029.46798.7f -- Details
Jandl, R; Alewell, C; Prietzel, J: Calcium loss in Central European forest soils, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J., 68, 588-595 (2004) -- Details
Matzner, E; Zuber, T; Alewell, C; Lischeid, G; Moritz, K: Trends in deposition and canopy leaching of mineral elements as indicated by bulk depostion and throughfall measurements in Matzner, E.: Ecological Studies, Biogeochemistry of forested catchments in a changing environment: a German case study, Springer Verlag, 172, 233-250 (2004), doi:10.1007/978-3-662-06073-5_14 -- Details

-- 2003 --
Alewell, C: Acid inputs into the soils from acid rain in Rengel Z.: Handbook of Soil Acidity, Marcel Dekker Inc.,New York, 83-115 (2003) -- Details

-- 2002 --
Likens, GE; Driscoll, CT; Buso, DC; Mitchell, MJ; Lovett, GM; Bailey, SW; Siccama, TG; Reiners, WA; Alewell, C: The biogeochemistry of sulfur at Hubbard Brook, Biogeochemistry, 60, 235-316 (2002) -- Details
Lischeid, G; Kolb, A; Alewell, C: Apparent translatory flow in groundwater recharge and runoff generation, J. Hydrology, 265, 195-211 (2002), doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(02)00108-7 -- Details

-- 2001 --
Alewell, C: Predicting reversibility of acidification: The European sulfur story., Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 130, 1271-1276 (2001)
Alewell, C; Armbruster, M; Bittersohl, J; Evans, CD; Meesenburg, H; Moritz, K; Prechtel, A: Are there signs of acidification reversal in freshwater of the low mountain ranges in Germany?, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 367-378 (2001) -- Details
Alewell, C; Novák, M: Spotting zones of dissimilatory sulfate reduction in a forested catchment; The 34S - 35S approach, Environmental Pollution, 112, 369-377 (2001) -- Details
Evans, CD; Cullen, JM; Alewell, C; Kopácek, J; Marchetto, A; Moldan, F; Prechtel, A; Rogora, M; Veselý, J; Wright, RF: Recovery from acidification in European surface waters, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 283-297 (2001)
Matzner, E; Alewell, C; Bittersohl, J; Lischeid, G; Kammerer, G; Manderscheid, B; Matschonat, G; Moritz, K; Tenhunen, JD; Totsche, KU: Biogeochemistry of a spruce forest catchment of the Fichtelgebirge in response to changing atmospheric deposition in Beck E., Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R,: Ecological Studies, Springer Verlag, 147, 463-503 (2001)
Matzner, E; Alewell, C; Bittersohl, J; Lischeid, G; Kammerer, G; Manderscheid, B; Matschonat, G; Moritz, K; Tenhunen, JD; Totsche, KU: Biogeochemistry of a spruce forest catchment of the Fichtelgebirge in response to changing atmospheric deposition. In: Ecosystem Approaches to Landscape Management in Central Europe 147 in Beck E., Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R,: Ecological Studies, Springer Verlag, 463-503 (2001)
Mitchell, MJ; Mayer, B; Bailey, SW; Hornbeck, J; Alewell, C; Dricsoll, CT; Likens, GE: Use of stable isotopes for evaluating sulfur sources and losses at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 130, 75-86 (2001) -- Details
Prechtel, A; Alewell, C; Armbruster, M; Bittersohl, J; Cullen, JM; Evans, CD; Heliwell, R; Kopácek, J; Marchetto, A; Matzner, E; Meesenburg, H; Moldan, F; Moritz, K; Vesely, J; Wright, R: Response of sulphur dynamics in European catchments to decreasing sulphate deposition, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 311-325 (2001) -- Details
Prechtel, A; Alewell, C; Evans, C; Matzner, E: Dynamik der Schwefel-Vorräte bewaldeter Einzugsgebiete Europas bei nachlassender Sulfatdeposition, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 96, 261-262 (2001)
Wright, R; Alewell, C; Cullen, JM; Evans, CD; Marchetto, A; Moldan, F; Prechtel, A; Rogora, M: Trends in nitrogen deposition and leaching in acid-sensitive streams in Europe, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5, 299-310 (2001) -- Details

-- 2000 --
Alewell, C; Manderscheid, B; Bittersohl, J; Meesenburg, H: Is acidification still an ecological threat?, Nature, 407, 856-857 (2000) -- Details
Alewell, C; Manderscheid, B; Gerstberger, P; Matzner, E: Effects of reduced atmospheric deposition on soil solution chemistry and elemental contents of spruce needles in NE - Bavaria, Germany, Journal of Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., (2000) 163, 509-516 (2000) -- Details
Alewell, C; Mitchell, M; Likens, GE; Krouse, RH: Assessing the origin of sulfate deposition at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, J. Environmental Quality, 29, 759-767 (2000) -- Details
Groscheová, H; Novák, M; Alewell, C: Changes in the d34S ratio of pore-water sulfate in incubated sphagnum peat, Wetlands, 20/1, 62-69 (2000) -- Details
Lischeid, G; Moritz, K; Bittersohl, J; Alewell, C; Matzner, E: Sinks of anthropogenic nitrogen and sulphate in the Lehstenbach catchment (Fichtelgebirge): lessons learned concerning reversibility., Silva Gabreta, 4, 41-50 (2000) -- Details
Manderscheid, B; Jungnickel, C; Alewell, C: Spatial variability of sulfate isotherms in forest soils at different scales and its implications for the modeling of soil sulfate fluxes, Soil Science, 165, 848-857 (2000) -- Details
Manderscheid, B; Schweisser, T; Lischeid, G; Alewell, C; Matzner, E: Sulfate pools in the weathered substrata of a forested catchment, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J., 64, 1078-1082 (2000), doi:10.2136/sssaj2000.6431078x -- Details
Prechtel, A; Alewell, C; Michalzik, B; Matzner, E: Different effect of drying on the fluxes of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from a Norway spruce forest floor, Journal of Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., (2000) 163, 517-521 (2000) -- Details

-- 1999 --
Alewell, C; Gehre, M: Patterns of stable S isotopes in a forested catchment as indicators for biological S turnover, Biogeochemistry, 47, 319-333 (1999) -- Details
Alewell, C; Mitchell, M; Likens, GE; Krouse, RH: Sources of stream sulfate at the Hubbard Brook Experimental forest: Long-term analysis using stable isotopes, Biogeochemistry, 44, 281-299 (1999) -- Details

-- 1998 --
Alewell, C: Investigating sulfate sorption and desorption of acid forest soils with special consideration of soil structure, Z. Pflanzenernährung Bodenkunde, 161, 73-80 (1998) -- Details
Alewell, C; Manderscheid, B: Use of objective criteria for the assessment of biogeochemical ecosystem models, Ecological Modelling, 107, 213-224 (1998) -- Details
Lischeid, G; Alewell, C; Bittersohl, J; Göttlein, A; Jungnickel, C; Lange, H; Manderscheid, B; Moritz, K; Ostendorf, B; Sager, H: Investigating soil and groundwater quality at different scales in a forested catchment: the Waldstein case study , Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 50, 109-118 (1998) -- Details
Matzner, E; Alewell, C; Bittersohl, J; Huwe, B; Gehre, M; Gerstberger, P; Ilgen, G; Jungnickel, C; Lischeid, G; Kammerer, G; Manderscheid, B; Matschonat, G; Moritz, K; Schweisser, T; Tenhunen, JD; Totsche, KU: Biogeochemistry of a coniferous catchment in response to changing atmospheric deposition, Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, 56, 129-160 (1998)

-- 1997 --
Alewell, C; Bredemeier, M; Matzner, E; Blanck, K: Soil solution response to experimentally reduced acid deposition in a forest ecosystem, J. Environmental Quality, 26, 658-665 (1997) -- Details
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