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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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Wolfgang Babel: Projects

Completed Projects

  • Mesoscale circulations and energy and Gas exchange over the Tibetan Plateau (DFG Fo 226/18-1,2 (SPP 1372))
    Tobias Biermann, Wolfgang Babel, Tobias Gerken, Degang Zhou, Johannes Olesch, Jürgen Leonbacher, Kathrin Fuchs, Thomas Foken, Hans-F. Graf, Yaoming Ma, Kun Yang [Details]

  • Ground based observations of radiative and convective fluxes and soil moisture over the Plateau at a limited but representative set of permanent sites (CEOP-AEGIS)
    Wolfgang Babel, Tobias Biermann, Thomas Foken [Details]

Projects from other divisions

  • Atmospheric transport of microplastics (B05-SFB1357)
    While microplastic particles typically remain airborne only for days up to weeks, they can be transported over large distances up to thousands of kilometers, undergo mechanical and chemical weathering and aging, and can be deposited on to terrestrial and aquatic surfaces. Atmospheric microplastics can be found even in the most remote ecosystems of the world such as the polar regions. The objective of the micrometeorology group is to ... [Details]

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