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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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Gunter Ilgen: Projects

Completed Projects

  • Verbreitung und Bildung von Organometallspezies in Altdeponien (BayFORREST)
    Dietmar Glindemann, Reimer Herrmann, Frank Hertel, Petra Peintinger, Gunter Ilgen [Details]

Projects from other divisions

Completed Projects

  • Development fo several protection concepts for the ecological stabilizaion of mussel streams and their rivarine zone in Oberfranken (NE-Germany) (ZAN Bachmuschel)
    Gunter Ilgen, Thomas Gollan [Details]

  • The BITÖK analytical laboratory (BITÖK-Z 2)
    Petra Dietrich, Andrea Glaßer, Gunter Ilgen, Jan Irmler, Kerstin Lateier, Bettina Popp, Christine Stöcker, Thomas Gollan [Details]

  • Dendrochronological investigations on inorganic compunds in wood (WIS-09)
    Thomas Gollan, Gunter Ilgen [Details]

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