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BayCEER - Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

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Eva Lehndorff: Projects

  • DFG Core Facility: Bayreuth Center for Stable Isotope Research in Ecology and Biogeochemistry (BayCenSI) (BayCenSI)
    Alexander Frank, Carina Bauer, Johanna Pausch, Tillmann Lüders, Eva Lehndorff, Gerhard Gebauer, Birgit Thies [Details]

Projects from other divisions

  • SFB Microplastic A06: Microplastics in the rhizosphere of crop plants - effect on physical, chemical and microbial processes in soil (SFB 1357: A06)
    Ryan Bartnick, Mirza Becevic, Eva Lehndorff [Details]

  • ORDIAmur - apple replant disease ()
    Jacqueline Kaldun, Eva Lehndorff [Details]

  • SPP Rhizosphere - cold spots in the rhizosphere and C accumulation ()
    Andrea Scheibe, Eva Lehndorff [Details]

  • MadSoil - Architecture of soil microaggregates ()
    Darima Andreeva, Andrey Rodionov, Eva Lehndorff [Details]

Completed Projects

  • SFB 1357 Microplastics ()
    The effects of microplastics on soil quality and the growth of agricultural crops are the focus of a new interdisciplinary research project at the University of Bayreuth. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is part of the "Microplastics" Collaborative Research Centre (CRC 1537) established at the University of Bayreuth in 2019. [Details]

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