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Wolfgang Zech: Publikationen

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Zech, M., Hörold, C., Leiber, K., Kühnel, A., Hemp, A., Zech, W.: Buried black soils on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro as a regional carbon storage hotspot. Catena, 112, 125-130 (2014).

Zech, M., Zech, R., Rozanski, K., Hemp, A., Gleixner, G., Zech, W.: Revisiting Mt. Kilimanjaro : Do n-alkane biomarkers in soils reflect the δ2H isotopic composition of precipitation?. Biogeosciences Discussions, 11, 7823-7852 (2014).


Zech, M., Tuthorn, M., Glaser, B., Amelung, W., Huwe, B., Zech, W., Zöller, L., Löffler, J.: Natural abundance of 18O of sugar biomarkers in topsoils along a climate transect over the Central Scandinavian Mountains, Norway. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 176(1), 12-15 (2013).


Glaser, B., Benesch, M., Dippold, M., Zech, W.: In situ 15N and 13C labelling of indigenous and plantation tree species in a tropical mountain forest (Munessa, Ethiopia) for subsequent litter and soil organic matter turnover studies. Organic Geochemistry, 42(12), 1461-1469 (2012).


Andreeva, D., Leiber, K., Glaser, B., Hambach, U., Erbajeva, M., Chimitdorgieva, G., Tashak, V., Zech, W.: Genesis and properties of black soils in Buryatia, southeastern Siberia, Russia. Quaternary International, 243(2), 313-326 (2011).

Zech, M., Bimüller, C., Hemp, A., Samimi, C., Broesike, C., Hörold, C., Zech, W.: Human and climate impact on 15N natural abundance of plants and soils in high-mountain ecosystems : A short review and two examples from the Eastern Pamirs and Mt. Kilimanjaro. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 47(3), 286-296 (2011).


Zech, M., Andreev, A., Zech, R., Müller, S., Hambach, U., Frechen, M., Zech, W.: Quaternary vegetation changes derived from a loess-like permafrost palaeosol sequence in northeast Siberia using alkane biomarker and pollen analyses. BOREAS, 39(3), 540-550 (2010).

Werner, K., Tarasov, P., Andreev, A., Müller, S., Kienast, F., Zech, M., Zech, W., Diekmann, B.: A 12.5-kyr history of vegetation dynamics and mire development with evidence of the Younger Dryas forest presence in the Verkhoyansk Mountains, East Siberia, Russia. BOREAS, 39(1), 56-68 (2010).

Rodionov, A., Amelung, W., Peinemann, N., Haumaier, L., Zhang, X., Kleber, M., Glaser, B., Urusevskaja, I., Zech, W.: Black carbon in grassland ecosystems of the world. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24(3), GB3013 (2010).

Freier, K., Glaser, B., Zech, W.: Mathematical modeling of soil carbon turnover in natural Podocarpus forest and Eucalyptus plantation in Ethiopia using compound specific δ13C analysis. Global Change Biology, 16(5), 1487-1502 (2010).


Zech, R., Zech, M., Kubik, P., Kharki, K., Zech, W.: Deglaciation and landscape history around Annapurna, Nepal, based on 10Be surface exposure dating. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(11-12), 1106-1118 (2009).

Morrás, H., Moretti, L., Piccolo, G., Zech, W.: Genesis of subtropical soils with stony horizons in NE Argentina: Autochthony and polygenesis. Quaternary International, 196(1-2), 137-159 (2009).

Zech, M., Zech, R., Morrás, H., Moretti, L., Glaser, B., Zech, W.: Late Quaternary environmental changes in Misiones, subtropical NE Argentina, deduced from multi-proxy geochemical analyses in a palaeosol-sediment sequence. Quaternary International, 196(1-2), 121-136 (2009).

Zech, W., Zech, M., Zech, R., Peinemann, N., Morrás, H., Moretti, L., Ogle, N., Kalim, R., Fuchs, M., Schad, P., Glaser, B.: Late Quaternary palaeosol records from subtropical (38ºS) to tropical (16ºS) South America and palaeoclimatic implications. Quaternary International, 196(1-2), 107-120 (2009).


Zech, M., Zech, R., Zech, W., Glaser, B., Brodowski, S., Amelung, W.: Characterisation and palaeoclimate of a loess-like permafrost palaeosol sequence in NE Siberia. Geoderma, 143(3), 281-295 (2008).

Steiner, C., Das, K., Garcia, M., Förster, B., Zech, W.: Charcoal and smoke extract stimulate the soil microbial community in a highly weathered xanthic Ferralsol. Pedobiologia, 51(5-6), 359-366 (2008).

Steiner, C., Glaser, B., Teixeira, W., Lehmann, J., Blum, W., Zech, W.: Nitrogen retention and plant uptake on a highly weathered central Amazonian Ferralsol amended with compost and charcoal. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 171(6), 893-899 (2008).


Fiedler, S., Förster, M., Glaser, B., Zech, W.: Alkylphenols in sediments of the Atlantic Rainforest south-west of São Paulo, Brazil. Chemosphere, 66(2), 212-218 (2007).

Brodowski, S., Amelung, W., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Black carbon contribution to stable humus in German arable soils. Geoderma, 139(1-2), 220-228 (2007).

Steiner, C., Teixeira, W., Lehmann, J., Nehls, T., Vasconselos de Macêdo, J., Blum, W., Zech, W.: Long term effects of manure, charcoal and mineral fertilization on crop production and fertility on a highly weathered Central Amazonian upland soil. Plant and Soil, 291(1-2), 275-290 (2007).

Schrumpf, M., Axmacher, J., Zech, W., Lehmann, J., Lyaruu, H.: Long-term effects of rainforest disturbance on the nutrient composition of throughfall, organic layer percolate and soil solution at Mt. Kilimanjaro.. Science of the Total Environment, 376, 241-254 (2007).

Aichner, B., Glaser, B., Zech, W.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in urban soils from Kathmandu, Nepal. Organic Geochemistry, 38(4), 700-715 (2007).

Ashagrie, Y., Zech, W., Guggenberger, G., Mamo, T.: Soil aggregation, and total and particulate organic matter following conversion of native forests to continuous cultivation in Ethiopia. Soil & Tillage Research, 94(1), 101-108 (2007).


Rodionov, A., Amelung, W., Haumaier, L., Urusevskaja, I., Zech, W.: Black carbon in the zonal steppe soils of Russia. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 169(3), 363-369 (2006).

Abramowski, U., Glaser, B., Kharki, K., Kubik, P., Zech, W.: Late Pleistocene and Holocene paleoglaciations of the Nepal Himalaya: 10Be surface exposure dating. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 39, 183-196 (2006).

Abramowski, U., Bergau, A., Seebach, D., Zech, R., Glaser, B., Sosin, P., Kubik, P., Zech, W.: Pleistocene glaciations of Central Asia: results from 10Be surface exposure ages of erratic boulders from the Pamir (Tajikistan), and the Alay–Turkestan range (Kyrgyzstan). Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(9-10), 1080-1096 (2006).

Schrumpf, M., Zech, W., Lehmann, J., Lyaruu, H.: TOC, TON, TOS and TOP in rainfall, throughfall, litter percolate and soil solution of a montane rainforest succession at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Biogeochemistry, 78(3), 361-387 (2006).

Fleischbein, K., Wilcke, W., Valarezo, C., Zech, W., Knoblich, K.: Water budgets of three small catchments under montane forest in Ecuador : experimental and modelling approach. Hydrological Processes, 20(12), 2491-2507 (2006).


Dittmar, C., Zech, W., Elling, W.: Growth variations of Common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) under different climatic and environmental conditions in Europe - a dendroecological study.. Forest Ecology and Management, 173(1-3), 63-78 (2003).

Menyailo, O., Hungate, B., Lehmann, J., Gebauer, G., Zech, W.: Tree species of the central amazon and soil moisture alter stable isotope composition of nitrogen and oxygen in nitrous oxide evolved from soil. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 39(1), 41-52 (2003).


Glaser, B., Lehmann, J., Zech, W.: Ameliorating physical and chemical properties of highly weathered soils in the tropics with charcoal - a review. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 35(4), 219-230 (2002).

Dai, X., Ping, C., Hines, M., Zhang, X., Zech, W.: Amino sugars in arctic soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 33(5-6), 789-805 (2002).

Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: The composition of dissolved organic matter in forest soil solutions : changes induced by seasons and passage through the mineral soil. Organic Geochemistry, 33(3), 307-318 (2002).

Menyailo, O., Hungate, B., Zech, W.: The effect of single tree species on soil microbial activities related to C and N cycling in the Siberian artificial afforestation experiment. Plant and Soil, 242(2), 183-196 (2002).

Turrión, M., Glaser, B., Zech, W.: Effects of deforestation on contents and distribution of amino sugars within particle-size fractions of mountain soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 35(1), 49-53 (2002).

Laabs, V., Amelung, W., Fent, G., Zech, W., Kubiak, R.: Fate of 14C-labeled soybean and corn pesticides in tropical soils of Brazil under laboratory conditions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50(16), 4619-4627 (2002).

Laabs, V., Amelung, W., Pinto, A., Zech, W.: Fate of pesticides in tropical soils of Brazil under field conditions. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31(1), 256-268 (2002).

Amelung, W., Martius, C., Bandeira, A., Garcia, M., Zech, W.: Lignin characteristics and density fractions of termite nests in an Amazonian rain forest—indicators of termite feeding guilds?. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 34(3), 367-372 (2002).

Möller, A., Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Lignin, carbohydrate, and amino sugar distribution and transformation in the tropical highland soils of northern Thailand under cabbage cultivation, Pinus reforestation, secondary forest, and primary forest. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 40(6), 977-998 (2002).

Makarov, M., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: The nature and origins of diester phosphates in soils : a 31P-NMR study. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 35(2), 136-146 (2002).

Makarov, M., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Nature of soil organic phosphorus : an assessment of peak assignments in the diester region of 31P NMR spectra. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 34(10), 1467-1477 (2002).

Lehmann, J., Gebauer, G., Zech, W.: Nitrogen cycling assessment in a hedgerow intercropping system using 15N enrichment. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 62(1), 1-9 (2002).

Wilcke, W., Yasin, S., Abramowski, U., Valarezo, C., Zech, W.: Nutrient storage and turnover in organic layers under tropical montane rain forest in Ecuador. European Journal of Soil Science, 53(1), 15-27 (2002).

Reichenberger, S., Amelung, W., Laabs, V., Pinto, A., Totsche, K., Zech, W.: Pesticide displacement along preferential flow pathways in a Brazilian Oxisol. Geoderma, 110(1), 63-86 (2002).

Laabs, V., Amelung, W., Pinto, A., Wantzen, M., da Silva, C., Zech, W.: Pesticides in surface water, sediment, and rainfall of the northeastern Pantanal basin, Brazil. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31(5), 1636-1648 (2002).

Makarov, M., Malysheva, T., Vladychenskii, A., Zech, W.: Phosphorus compounds in primitive soils on mantle loam under various phytocenoses. Eurasian Soil Science, 35(9), 924-933 (2002).

Solomon, D., Lehmann, J., Mamo, T., Fritzsche, F., Zech, W.: Phosphorus forms and dynamics as influenced by land use changes in the sub-humid Ethiopian highlands. Geoderma, 105(1-2), 21-48 (2002).

Krauß, M., Wilcke, W., Kobza, J., Zech, W.: Predicting heavy metal transfer from soil to plant: potential use of Freundlich-type functions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 165(1), 3-8 (2002).

Zech, W.: Salzböden : Klassifikation, Genese, Verbreitung und Nutzung. Geographische Rundschau, 54(3), 36-40 (2002).

Solomon, D., Fritzsche, F., Mamo, T., Lehmann, J., Zech, W.: Soil organic matter composition in the subhumid Ethiopian Highlands as influenced by deforestation and agricultural management. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66(1), 68-82 (2002).

Solomon, D., Fritzsche, F., Lehmann, J., Mamo, T., Zech, W.: Soil organic matter dynamics in the subhumid agroecosystems of the Ethiopian Highlands : evidence from natural 13C abundance and particle-size fractionation. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66(3), 969-978 (2002).

Möller, A., Kaiser, K., Kanchanakool, N., Anecksamphant, C., Jirasuktaveekul, W., Maglinao, A., Niamskul, C., Zech, W.: Sulfur forms in bulk soils and alkaline soil extracts of tropical mountain ecosystems in northern Thailand. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 40(1), 161-175 (2002).

Menyailo, O., Hungate, B., Zech, W.: Tree species mediated soil chemical changes in a Siberian artificial afforestation experiment. Plant and Soil, 242(2), 171-182 (2002).


Müller, S., Wilcke, W., Kanchanakool, N., Zech, W.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in density fractions of urban soils in Bangkok, Thailand. Soil Science, 166(10), 672-680 (2001).

Wilcke, W., Krauß, M., Kobza, J., Zech, W.: Quantification of anthropogenic lead in Slovak forest and arable soils along a deposition gradient with stable lead isotope ratios. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 164(3), 303-307 (2001).

Lehmann, J., Muraoka, T., Zech, W.: Root activity patterns in an Amazonian agroforest with fruit trees determined by 32P, 33P and 15N applications. Agroforestry Systems, 52(3), 185-197 (2001).

Dilling, J., Kaiser, K., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Schwermetalldynamik in Abdeckmaterialien von Bergbauhalden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 96(1), 171-172 (2001).

Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Seasonal variations in the chemical composition of dissolved organic matter in organic forest floor layer leachates of old-growth Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands in northeastern Bavaria, Germany. Biogeochemistry, 55(2), 103-143 (2001).

Kaiser, K., Kaupenjohann, M., Zech, W.: Sorption of dissolved organic carbon in soils : effects of soil sample storage, soil-to-solution ratio, and temperature. Geoderma, 99(3-4), 317-328 (2001).

Six, J., Guggenberger, G., Paustian, K., Haumaier, L., Elliott, E., Zech, W.: Sources and composition of soil organic matter fractions between and within soil aggregates. European Journal of Soil Science, 52(4), 607-618 (2001).

Solomon, D., Lehmann, J., Tekalign, M., Fritzsche, F., Zech, W.: Sulfur fractions in particle-size separates of the sub-humid Ethiopian highlands as influenced by land use changes. Geoderma, 102(1-2), 41-59 (2001).

Glaser, B., Haumaier, L., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: The 'Terra Preta' phenomenon : a model for sustainable agriculture in the humid tropics. Naturwissenschaften, 88(1), 37-41 (2001).

Schrumpf, M., Guggenberger, G., Valarezo, C., Zech, W.: Tropical montane rain forest soils : Development and nutrient status along an altitudinal gradient in the South Ecuadorian Andes. Die Erde, 132(1), 43-59 (2001).

Winkler, A., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Variation in hopanoid composition and abundance in forest soils during litter decomposition and humification. Organic Geochemistry, 32(12), 1375-1385 (2001).

Zech, W., Bäumler, R., Madhikermi, D., Gerl, T., Beck, E.: Zur pleistozänen und holozänen Landschaftsgeschichte des Modi Khola-Tals (Annapurna, Nepal). Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 37(2), 159-190 (2001).

Turrión, M., Gallardo, J., Haumaier, L., González, M., Zech, W.: 31P-NMR characterization of phosphorus fractions in natural and fertilized forest soils. Annals of Forest Science, 58(1), 89-98 (2001).

Glaser, B., Lehmann, J., Führböter, M., Solomon, D., Zech, W.: Carbon and nitrogen mineralization in cultivated and natural savanna soils of Northern Tanzania. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 33(4), 301-309 (2001).

Wilcke, W., Yasin, S., Valarezo, C., Zech, W.: Change in water quality during the passage through a tropical montane rain forest in Ecuador. Biogeochemistry, 55(1), 45-72 (2001).

Dai, X., Ping, C., Candler, R., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Characterization of soil organic matter fractions of tundra soils in arctic Alaska by carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 65(1), 87-93 (2001).

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Thomas, R., Vilela, L., do Carmo Lima, S., Zech, W.: Effects of Pinus caribaea forests on the C, N, P, and S status of Brazilian savanna Oxisols. Forest Ecology and Management, 147(2-3), 171-182 (2001).

Amelung, W., Miltner, A., Zhang, X., Zech, W.: Fate of microbial residues during litter decomposition as affected by minerals. Soil Science, 166(9), 598-606 (2001).

Amelung, W., Rodionov, A., Urusevskaja, I., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Forms of organic phosphorus in zonal steppe soils of Russia assessed by 31P NMR. Geoderma, 103(3-4), 335-350 (2001).

Lehmann, J., Günther, D., Socorro da Mota, M., Pereira de Almeida, P., Zech, W., Kaiser, K.: Inorganic and organic soil phosphorus and sulfur pools in an Amazonian multistrata agroforestry system. Agroforestry Systems, 53(2), 113-124 (2001).

Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: Isotopic fractionation of dissolved organic carbon in shallow forest soils as affected by sorption. European Journal of Soil Science, 52(4), 585-597 (2001).

Solomon, D., Lehmann, J., Zech, W.: Land use effects on amino sugar signature of chromic Luvisol in the semi-arid part of northern Tanzania. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 33(1), 33-40 (2001).

Wilcke, W., Yasin, S., Valarezo, C., Zech, W.: Nutrient budget of three microcatchments under tropical montane rain forest in Ecuador - preliminary results. Die Erde, 132(1), 61-74 (2001).

Schroth, G., Elias, M., Uguen, K., Seixas, R., Zech, W.: Nutrient fluxes in rainfall, throughfall and stemflow in tree-based land use systems and spontaneous tree vegetation of central Amazonia. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 87(1), 37-49 (2001).

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Zimmermann, R., Gerstberger, P., Araújo, G., Zech, W.: Nutrient storage in soil and biomass of native Brazilian Cerrado. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 164(5), 487-495 (2001).

Lehmann, J., da Silva Cravo, M., Zech, W.: Organic matter stabilization in a Xanthic Ferralsol of the central Amazon as affected by single trees : chemical characterization of density, aggregate, and particle size fractions. Geoderma, 99(1-2), 147-168 (2001).

Rodionov, A., Amelung, W., Urusevskaja, I., Zech, W.: Origin of the enriched labile fraction (ELF) in Russian Chernozems with different site history. Geoderma, 102(3-4), 299-315 (2001).

Schönbuchner, H., Guggenberger, G., Peters, K., Bergmann, H., Zech, W.: Particle-size distribution of PAH in the air of a remote Norway spruce forest in northern Bavaria. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 128(3-4), 355-367 (2001).

Kristiansen, S., Amelung, W., Zech, W.: Phosphorus forms as affected by abandoned anthills (Formica polyctena Förster) in forest soils : sequential extraction and liquid-state 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 164(1), 49-55 (2001).


Krauß, M., Wilcke, W., Zech, W.: Availability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to earthworms in urban soils. Environmental Science & Technology, 34(20), 4335-4340 (2000).

Wilcke, W., Amelung, W., Martius, C., Garcia, M., Zech, W.: Biological sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Amazonian rain forest. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 163(1), 27-30 (2000).

Glaser, B., Balashov, E., Haumaier, L., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: Black carbon in density fractions of anthropogenic soils of the Brazilian Amazon region. Organic Geochemistry, 31(7-8), 669-678 (2000).

Rodionov, A., Amelung, W., Urusevskaja, I., Zech, W.: Carbon and nitrogen in the enriched labile fraction along a climosequence of zonal steppe soils in Russia. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 64(4), 1467-1473 (2000).

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Ayarza, M., Vilela, L., do Carmo Lima, S., Zech, W.: Chemical fractionation of phosphorus, sulphur, and molybdenum in Brazilian savannah Oxisols under different land use. Geoderma, 96(1-2), 31-46 (2000).

Wilcke, W., Kretzschmar, S., Bundt, M., Saborio, G., Zech, W.: Depth distribution of aluminum and heavy metals in soils of Costa Rican coffee cultivation areas. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 163(5), 499-502 (2000).

Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Dissolved organic matter sorption by mineral constituents of subsoil clay fractions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 163(5), 531-535 (2000).

Schroth, G., Teixeira, W., Seixas, R., Ferreira da Silva, L., Schaller, M., Vasconselos de Macêdo, J., Zech, W.: Effect of five tree crops and a cover crop in multi-strata agroforestry at two fertilization levels on soil fertility and soil solution chemistry in central Amazonia. Plant and Soil, 221(2), 143-156 (2000).

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Vilela, L., do Carmo Lima, S., Thomas, R., Zech, W.: Effect of no-tillage and conventional tillage systems on the chemical composition of soil solid phase and soil solution of Brazilian savanna Oxisols. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 163(4), 411-419 (2000).

Turrión, M., Glaser, B., Solomon, D., Ni, A., Zech, W.: Effects of deforestation on phosphorus pools in mountain soils of the Alay Range, Khyrgyzia. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 31(2), 134-142 (2000).

Totsche, K., Wilcke, W., Körber, M., Kobza, J., Zech, W.: Evaluation of fluoride-induced metal mobilization in soil columns. Journal of Environmental Quality, 29(2), 454-459 (2000).

Wilcke, W., Totsche, K., Körber, M., Kobza, J., Zech, W.: Fluoro-mobilization of metals in a Slovak forest soil affected by the emissions of an aluminum smelter. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 163(5), 503-508 (2000).

Möller, A., Kaiser, K., Amelung, W., Niamskul, C., Udomsri, S., Puthawong, M., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Forms of organic C and P extracted from tropical soils as assessed by liquid-state 13C- and 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 38(5), 1017-1035 (2000).

Solomon, D., Lehmann, J., Zech, W.: Land use effects on soil organic matter properties of chromic luvisols in semi-arid northern Tanzania : carbon, nitrogen, lignin and carbohydrates. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 78(3), 203-213 (2000).

Neufeldt, H., da Silva, J., Ayarza, M., Zech, W.: Land-use effects on phosphorus fractions in Cerrado oxisols. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 31(1), 30-37 (2000).

Laabs, V., Amelung, W., Pinto, A., Altstaedt, A., Zech, W.: Leaching and degradation of corn and soybean pesticides in an Oxisol of the Brazilian. Chemosphere, 41(9), 1441-1449 (2000).

Schroth, G., Seixas, R., da Silva, L., Teixeira, W., Zech, W.: Nutrient concentrations and acidity in ferralitic soil under perennial cropping, fallow and primary forest in central Amazonia. European Journal of Soil Science, 51(2), 219-231 (2000).

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., do Carmo Lima, S., Vilela, L., Thomas, R., Zech, W.: Nutrient concentrations in soil solution of some Brazilian Oxisols under conventional and no-tillage systems in the early part of the rainy season. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 38(4), 851-866 (2000).

Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: Organically bound nutrients in dissolved organic matter fractions in seepage and pore water of weakly developed forest soils. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, 28(7), 411-419 (2000).

Müller, S., Wilcke, W., Kanchanakool, N., Zech, W.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in particle-size separates of urban soils in Bangkok, Thailand. Soil Science, 165(5), 412-419 (2000).

Krauß, M., Wilcke, W., Zech, W.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in forest soils : depth distribution as indicator of different fate. Environmental Pollution, 110(1), 79-88 (2000).

Bäumler, R., Zech, W.: Quaternary paleosols, tephra deposits and landscape history in South Kamchatka, Russia. Catena, 41(1-3), 199-215 (2000).

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Ayarza, M., Vilela, L., do Carmo Lima, S., Zech, W.: Soil acidification in Pinus caribaea forests on Brazilian savanna Oxisols. Forest Ecology and Management, 128(3), 145-157 (2000).

Glaser, B., Turrión, M., Solomon, D., Ni, A., Zech, W.: Soil organic matter quantity and quality in mountain soils of the Alay Range, Kyrgyzia, affected by land use change. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 31(5), 407-413 (2000).

Zech, W., Glaser, B., Ni, A., Petrov, M., Lemzin, I.: Soils as indicators of the Pleistocene and Holocene landscape evolution in the Alay Range (Kyrgystan). Quaternary International, 65-66, 161-169 (2000).

Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Sorption of dissolved organic nitrogen by acid subsoil horizons and individual mineral phases. European Journal of Soil Science, 51(3), 403-411 (2000).

Kaiser, K., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: The sorption of organic matter in soils as affected by the nature of soil carbon. Soil Science, 165(4), 305-313 (2000).


Westerhof, R., Buurman, P., van Griethuysen, C., Ayarza, M., Vilela, L., Zech, W.: Aggregation studied by laser diffraction in relation to plowing and liming in the Cerrado region in Brazil. Geoderma, 90(3-4), 277-290 (1999).

Amelung, W., Zhang, X., Flach, K., Zech, W.: Amino sugars in native grassland soils along a climosequence in North America. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 63(1), 86-92 (1999).

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Ayarza, M., do Carmo Lima, S., Vilela, L., Zech, W.: Annual course of matric potential in differently used savanna Oxisols in Brazil. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 63(6), 1778-1785 (1999).

Wilcke, W., Lilienfein, J., do Carmo Lima, S., Zech, W.: Contamination of highly weathered urban soils in Uberlândia, Brazil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 162(5), 539-548 (1999).

Nabel, P., Morrás, H., Petersen, N., Zech, W.: Correlation of magnetic and lithologic features of soils and Quaternary sediments from the Undulating Pampa, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 12(3), 311-323 (1999).

Schroth, G., Ferreira da Silva, L., Wolf, M., Teixeira, W., Zech, W.: Distribution of throughfall and stemflow in multi-strata agroforestry, perennial monoculture, fallow and primary forest in central Amazonia, Brazil. Hydrological Processes, 13(10), 1423-1436 (1999).

Neufeldt, H., Ayarza, M., Resck, D., Zech, W.: Distribution of water-stable aggregates and aggregating agents in Cerrado Oxisols. Geoderma, 93(1-2), 85-99 (1999).

Bäumler, R., Zech, W.: Effects of forest thinning on the streamwater chemistry of two forest watersheds in the Bavarian Alps. Forest Ecology and Management, 116(1-3), 119-128 (1999).

Wulf, S., Lehmann, J., Zech, W.: Emissions of nitrous oxide from runoff-irrigated and rainfed soils in semiarid north-west Kenya. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 72(2), 201-205 (1999).

Wilcke, W., Guschker, C., Kobza, J., Zech, W.: Heavy metal concentrations, partitioning, and storage in Slovak forest and arable soils along a deposition gradient. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 162(2), 223-229 (1999).

Schwarz, A., Wilcke, W., Stýk, J., Zech, W.: Heavy metal release from soils in batch pHstat experiments. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 63(2), 290-296 (1999).

Rodionov, A., Amelung, W., Urusevskaja, I., Zech, W.: Klimaeinfluß auf Lignin und Polysaccharide in Partikelgrößen-Fraktionen zonaler Steppenböden Rußlands. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 162(2), 231-238 (1999).

Zhang, X., Amelung, W., Yuan, Y., Samson-Liebig, S., Brown, L., Zech, W.: Land-use effects on amino sugars in particle size fractions of an Argiudoll. Applied Soil Ecology, 11(2-3), 271-275 (1999).

Amelung, W., Flach, K., Zech, W.: Lignin in particle-size fractions of native grassland soils as influenced by climate. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 63(5), 1222-1228 (1999).

Wilcke, W., Kretzschmar, S., Bundt, M., Zech, W.: Metal concentrations in aggregate interiors, exteriors, whole aggregates, and bulk of Costa Rican soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 63(5), 1244-1249 (1999).

Miltner, A., Zech, W.: Microbial degradation and resynthesis of proteins during incubation of beech litter in the presence of mineral phases. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 30(1-2), 48-51 (1999).

Amelung, W., Zech, W.: Minimisation of organic matter disruption during particle-size fractionation of grassland epipedons. Geoderma, 92(1-2), 73-85 (1999).

Laabs, V., Amelung, W., Zech, W.: Multi-residue analysis of corn and soybean pesticides in Brazilian Oxisols using gas chromatography and mass selective detection. Journal of Environmental Quality, 28(6), 1778-1786 (1999).

Amelung, W., Flach, K., Zech, W.: Neutral and acidic sugars in particle-size fractions as influenced by climate. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 63(4), 865-873 (1999).

Lehmann, J., Feilner, T., Gebauer, G., Zech, W.: Nitrogen uptake of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) from tree mulch and mineral fertilizer under high leaching conditions estimated by nitrogen-15 enrichment. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 30(1-2), 90-95 (1999).

Lehmann, J., Weigl, D., Droppelmann, K., Huwe, B., Zech, W.: Nutrient cycling in an agroforestry system with runoff irrigation in Northern Kenya. Agroforestry Systems, 43(1-3), 49-70 (1999).

Lehmann, J., Weigl, D., Peter, I., Droppelmann, K., Gebauer, G., Goldbach, H., Zech, W.: Nutrient interactions of alley cropped Sorghum bicolor and Acacia saligna in a runoff irrigation system in Northern Kenya. Plant and Soil, 210(2), 249-262 (1999).

Rubæk, G., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W., Christensen, B.: Organic phosphorus in soil size separates characterized by phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance and resin extraction. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 63(5), 1123-1132 (1999).

Wilcke, W., Müller, S., Kanchanakool, N., Niamskul, C., Zech, W.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in hydromorphic soils of the tropical metropolis Bangkok. Geoderma, 91(3-4), 297-309 (1999).

Lehmann, J., Zech, W.: Possibilities and limits of yield increase in tropical alley-cropping systems. Plant Research and Development, 50, 42-54 (1999).

Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Release of natural organic matter sorbed to oxides and a subsoil. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 63(5), 1157-1166 (1999).

Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: Soil organic matter composition under primary forest, pasture, and secondary forest succession, Región Huetar Norte, Costa Rica. Forest Ecology and Management, 124(1), 93-104 (1999).

Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Sorption von gelöstem organischen Stickstoff an Mineralphasen und Unterböden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(3), 1245-1248 (1999).

Wilcke, W., Schwarz, A., Kobza, J., Zech, W.: Spatial distribution of soil heavy metal concentrations as indicator of pollution sources at Mount Križna (Great Fatra, central Slovakia). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 162(4), 421-428 (1999).

Schroth, G., Ferreira da Silva, L., Seixas, R., Teixeira, W., Macêdo, J., Zech, W.: Subsoil accumulation of mineral nitrogen under polyculture and monoculture plantations, fallow and primary forest in a ferralitic Amazonian upland soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 75(1-2), 109-120 (1999).

Wilcke, W., Müller, S., Kanchanakool, N., Niamskul, C., Zech, W.: Urban soil contamination in Bangkok: concentrations and patterns of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in topsoils. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 37(2), 245-254 (1999).


Wilcke, W., Kretzschmar, S., Bundt, M., Saborio, G., Zech, W.: Aluminum and heavy metal partitioning in a horizons of soils in Costa Rican coffee plantations. Soil Science, 163(6), 463-471 (1998).

Zhang, X., Amelung, W., Yuan, Y., Zech, W.: Amino sugar signature of particle-size fractions in soils of the native prairie as affected by climate. Soil Science, 163(3), 220-229 (1998).

Miltner, A., Zech, W.: Beech leaf litter lignin degradation and transformation as influenced by mineral phases. Organic Geochemistry, 28(7-8), 457-463 (1998).

Lehmann, J., Peter, I., Steglich, C., Gebauer, G., Huwe, B., Zech, W.: Below-ground interactions in dryland agroforestry. Forest Ecology and Management, 111(2-3), 157-169 (1998).

Rodionov, A., Amelung, W., Urusevskaja, I., Zech, W.: Beziehungen zwischen Klimafaktoren und C-, N-Pools in Partikelgrößen-Fraktionen zonaler Steppenböden Rußlands. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 161(5), 563-569 (1998).

Glaser, B., Haumaier, L., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: Black carbon in soils : the use of benzenecarboxylic acids as specific markers. Organic Geochemistry, 29(4), 811-819 (1998).

Miltner, A., Zech, W.: Carbohydrate decomposition in beech litter as influenced by aluminium, iron and manganese oxides. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 30(1), 1-7 (1998).

Amelung, W., Zech, W., Zhang, X., Follett, R., Tiessen, H., Knox, E., Flach, K.: Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur pools in particle-size fractions as influenced by climate. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 62(1), 172-181 (1998).

Martin, D., Srivastava, P., Ghosh, D., Zech, W.: Characteristics of humic substances in cultivated and natural forest soils of Sikkim. Geoderma, 84(4), 345-362 (1998).

Sumann, M., Amelung, W., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Climatic effects on soil organic phosphorus in the North American Great Plains identified by phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 62(6), 1580-1586 (1998).

Wilcke, W., Mosbach, J., Kobza, J., Zech, W.: Distribution of Al and heavy metals in bulk soil and aggregates at three sites contaminated by the emissions of a central Slovak Al smelter. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 106(3), 389-402 (1998).

Lehmann, J., Zech, W.: Fine root turnover of irrigated hedgerow intercropping in Northern Kenya. Plant and Soil, 198(1), 19-31 (1998).

Lobe, I., Wilcke, W., Kobza, J., Zech, W.: Heavy metal contamination of soils in Northern Slovakia.. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 161(5), 541-546 (1998).

Westerhof, R., Vilela, L., Ayarza, M., Zech, W.: Land use effects on labile N extracted with permanganate and the nitrogen management index in the Cerrado region of Brazil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 27(4), 353-357 (1998).

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Neufeldt, H., Ayarza, M., Zech, W.: Land-use effects on organic carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur concentrations in macroaggregates of differently textured Brazilian oxisols. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 161(2), 165-171 (1998).

Amelung, W., Zech, W., Zhang, X., Sajjapongse, A., Niamskul, C.: Lignin and carbohydrates in soils under secondary forest, alley-cropping and continuous farming, Thailand. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 161(3), 297-302 (1998).

Miltner, A., Zech, W.: Lignin degradation and transformation in the presence of oxides. Mineralogical Magazine, 62A(2), 991-992 (1998).

Guggenberger, G., Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Mobilization and immobilization of dissolved organic matter in forest soils. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 161(4), 401-408 (1998).

Guggenberger, G., Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Organic colloids in forest soils : 1. Biochemical mobilization in the forest floor. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 23(2), 141-146 (1998).

Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: Organic colloids in forest soils : 2. Abiotic immobilization in the mineral soil. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 23(2), 147-151 (1998).

Wilcke, W., Zech, W.: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in bulk soil and particle size separates of soils in a rural community. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 161(3), 289-295 (1998).

Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Rates of dissolved organic matter release and sorption in forest soils. Soil Science, 163(9), 714-725 (1998).

Lehmann, J., Droppelmann, K., Zech, W.: Runoff irrigation of crops with contrasting root and shoot development in northern Kenya : water depletion and above- and below-ground biomass production. Journal of Arid Environments, 38(3), 479-492 (1998).

Lehmann, J., Poidy, N., Schroth, G., Zech, W.: Short-term effects of soil amendment with tree legume biomass on carbon and nitrogen in particle size separates in Central Togo. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 30(12), 1545-1552 (1998).

Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Soil dissolved organic matter sorption as influenced by organic and sesquioxide coatings and sorbed sulfate. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 62(1), 129-136 (1998).

Bäumler, R., Zech, W.: Soil solution chemistry and impact of forest thinning in mountain forests in the Bavarian Alps. Forest Ecology and Management, 108(3), 231-238 (1998).

Kleber, A., Mailänder, R., Zech, W.: Stratigraphic approach to alteration in mineral soils : The heavy metal example. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 62(6), 1647-1650 (1998).

Miltner, A., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Transformations of phosphorus during incubation of beech leaf litter in the presence of oxides. European Journal of Soil Science, 49(3), 471-475 (1998).

Wilcke, W., Müller, S., Kanchanakool, N., Zech, W.: Urban soil contamination in Bangkok : heavy metal and aluminium partitioning in topsoils. Geoderma, 86(3-4), 211-228 (1998).

Guggenberger, G., Bäumler, R., Zech, W.: Weathering of soils developed in eolian material overlying glacial deposits in Eastern Nepal. Soil Science, 163(4), 325-337 (1998).


Zhang, X., Amelung, W., Yuan, Y., Zech, W.: Amino sugars in soils of the North American cultivated prairie. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 160(5), 533-538 (1997).

Bäumler, R., Zech, W.: Atmospheric deposition and impact of forest thinning on the throughfall of mountain forest ecosystems in the Bavarian Alps. Forest Ecology and Management, 95(3), 243-251 (1997).

Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Über die Sorptionseigenschaften von Waldböden bezüglich gelöster organischer Substanzen. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 160(2), 295-301 (1997).

Berghofer, R., Wilcke, W., Linkeš, V., Nestroy, O., Zech, W.: Changes of Al and heavy metal concentrations in Slovak soils during the last 25 years. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 160(4), 469-474 (1997).

Amelung, W., Flach, K., Zech, W.: Climatic effects on soil organic matter composition in the Great Plains. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 61(1), 115-123 (1997).

Gehring, A., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W., Luster, J.: Combined magnetic, spectroscopic, and analytical-chemical approach to infer genetic information for a Vertisol. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 61(1), 78-85 (1997).

Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Competitive sorption of dissolved organic matter fractions to soils and related mineral phases. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 61(1), 64-69 (1997).

Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Dissolved organic matter sorption on subsoils and minerals studied by 13C-NMR and DRIFT spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science, 48(2), 301-310 (1997).

Hagedorn, F., Steiner, K., Sekayange, L., Zech, W.: Effect of rainfall pattern on nitrogen mineralization and leaching in a green manure experiment in South Rwanda. Plant and Soil, 195(2), 365-375 (1997).

Miltner, A., Zech, W.: Effects of minerals on the transformation of organic matter during simulated fire-induced pyrolysis. Organic Geochemistry, 26(3-4), 175-182 (1997).

Zech, W., Senesi, N., Guggenberger, G., Kaiser, K., Lehmann, J., Miano, T., Miltner, A., Schroth, G.: Factors controlling humification and mineralization of soil organic matter in the tropics. Geoderma, 79(1-4), 117-161 (1997).

Bäumler, R., Madhikermi, D., Zech, W.: Fine silt and clay mineralogical changes of a soil chronosequence in the Langtang valley (Central Nepal). Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 160(3), 413-421 (1997).

Makarov, M., Malysheva, T., Haumaier, L., Alt, H., Zech, W.: The forms of phosphorus in humic and fulvic acids of a toposequence of alpine soils in the northern Caucasus. Geoderma, 80(1-2), 61-73 (1997).

Wilcke, W., Amelung, W., Zech, W.: Heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a rural community leewards of a waste incineration plant. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 160(3), 369-378 (1997).

Savoskul, O., Zech, W.: Holocene glacier advances in the Topolovaya valley, Bystrinskiy Range, Kamchatka, Russia, dated by tephrochronology and lichenometry. Arctic and Alpine Research, 29(2), 143-155 (1997).

Wilcke, W., Zech, W.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in forest floors of the Northern Czech mountains. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 160(5), 573-579 (1997).

Bundt, M., Kretzschmar, S., Zech, W., Wilcke, W.: Seasonal dynamics of nutrients in leaves and xylem sap of coffee plants as related to different soil compartments. Plant and Soil, 197(1), 157-166 (1997).

Bundt, M., Kretzschmar, S., Zech, W., Wilcke, W.: Seasonal redistribution of manganese in soil aggregates of a Costa Rican coffee field. Soil Science, 162(9), 641-647 (1997).

Leinweber, P., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Sequential extractions and 31P-NMR spectroscopy of phosphorus forms in animal manures, whole soils and particle-size separates from a densely populated livestock area in northwest Germany. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 25(1), 89-94 (1997).

Zech, W., Guggenberger, G., Zalba, P., Peinemann, N.: Soil organic matter transformation in Argentinian Hapludolls. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 160(5), 563-571 (1997).


Stuhrmann, M., Bergmann, C., Zech, W.: Mineral nutrition, soil factors and growth rates of "Gmelina arborea" plantations in the humid lowlands of northern Costa Rica. Forest Ecology and Management, 70(1/3), 135-145 (1994).

Bergmann, C., Stuhrmann, M., Zech, W.: Site factors, foliar nutrient levels and growth of "Cordia alliodora" plantations in the humid lowlands of Northern Costa Rica. Plant and Soil, 166(2), 193-202 (1994).


Küppers, M., Zech, W., Schulze, E., Beck, E.: CO2-Assimilation, Transpiration and Wachstum von Pinus silvestris L. bei unterschiedlicher Magnesiumversorgung. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt, 104(1), 23-36 (1985).

Books and Book sections


Zech, W., Schad, P., Hintermaier-Erhard, G.: Böden der Welt : Ein Bildatlas. 2. Aufl.. - Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2014. - XVIII, 164


Birk, J., Steiner, C., Teixeira, W., Zech, W., Glaser, B.: Microbial response to charcoal amendments and fertilization of a highly weathered tropical soil. In: Woods, William L. (Hrsg.): Amazonian Dark Earths: Wim Sombroeks vision. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2009. - 309-324.


Zech, M., Zech, R., Anselmetti, F., Glaser, B., Sosin, P., Zech, W.: Alkane-biomarker: their potential for the reconstruction of Quaternary landscape and climate history - first results from Lake Yashilkul sediments. In: International symposium in memory of the 80th anniversary of the German-Russian Alay/Pamir-Expedition in 1928. Tashkent (18th to 20th August 2008) and Dushanbe (25th August 2008): Volume of Abstracts. - Tashkent : 2008. - 188-189.

Climate Change and Landscape Evolution in the Central Asian Mountains and the Surrounding Basins: Past, Present and Future ; Symposium in memory of the 80th anniversary of the German-Russian Alay / Pamir Expedition in 1928 : Volume of Abtracts. - Zech, W., Kreutzmann, H., Bens, O. (eds.). - Tashkent : 2008.

Zech, W., Röhringer, I.: Climate Change and Landscape Evolution in the Central Asien Mountains and the Surrounding Basins: Past, Present and Future.. In: International symposium in memory of the 80th anniversary of the German-Russian Alay/Pamir-Expedition in 1928, Tashkent (18th to 20th August 2008) and Dushanbe (25th August 2008): Volume of Abstracts. - Tashkent : 2008.

Glaser, B., Zech, W.: Late Glacial and Holocene environmental fluctuations in Central Nepal: Results of compound-specific stable isotope analysis.. In: International symposium in memory of the 80th anniversary of the German-Russian Alay/Pamir-Expedition in 1928, Tashkent (18th to 20th August 2008) and Dushanbe (25th August 2008): Volume of Abstracts. - Tashkent : 2008.

Röhringer, I., Zech, R., Glaser, B., Sosin, P., Kubik, P., Zech, W.: Late Quaternary glaciation in the Bogchigir Valleys/Pamir Mountains – preliminary results from new cosmogenic 10 Be exposure ages.. In: International symposium in memory of the 80th anniversary of the German-Russian Alay/Pamir-Expedition in 1928, Tashkent (18th to 20th August 2008)and Dushanbe (25th August 2008): Volume of Abstracts. - Tashkent : 2008.

Zech, R., Anselmetti, F., Mauchle, F., Röhringer, I., Zech, M., Sosin, P., Zech, W.: Late Quaternary landscape reconstruction at Lake Yashilkul, Pamir, based on 10Be surface exposure dating and lake sediment analyses. In: International symposium in memory of the 80th anniversary of the German-Russian Alay/Pamir-Expedition in 1928, Tashkent (18th to 20th August 2008) and Dushanbe (25th August 2008): Volume of Abstracts. - Tashkent : 2008. - 190-201.

Abramowski, U., Zech, W., Sosin, P., Zöller, L.: Quaternary geochronology of Middle Asia – results and possibilities using cosmogenic exposure and optically stimulated luminescence dating. In: Climate Change and Landscape Evolution in the Central Asian Mountains and the Surrounding Basins: Past, Present and Future ; Symposium in memory of the 80th anniversary of the German-Russian Alay / Pamir Expedition in 1928 : Volume of Abtracts. - Tashkent : 2008.

Andreeva, D., Chimitdorzhieva, G., Savinova, V., Zech, W.: Quaternary landscape evolution of the Baikalian region. In: Climate Change and Landscape Evolution in the Central Asian Mountains and the Surrounding Basins: Past, Present and Future ; Symposium in memory of the 80th anniversary of the German-Russian Alay / Pamir Expedition in 1928 : Volume of Abtracts. - Tashkent : 2008.

Zech, W.: Sebastian, Richard, Rüdiger and Karl Finsterwalder - four outstanding Bavarian pioneers in high mountain research. In: Climate Change and Landscape Evolution in the Central Asian Mountains and the Surrounding Basins: Past, Present and Future ; Symposium in memory of the 80th anniversary of the German-Russian Alay / Pamir Expedition in 1928 : Volume of Abtracts. - Tashkent : 2008. - 202-212.


Tófalo, O., Morrás, H., Sánchez, L., Peccoits, E., Aubet, N., Zech, W., Moretti, L.: Litofacies y Paleosuelos de las FMS. Raigón (Plioceno Tardio-Pleistoceno Medio) y Libertad (Pleistoceno Temprano-Medio?), Uruguay. In: Actas del III Congreso Argentino de Cuaternario y Geomorfología. Tomo I. - Córdoba : 2006. - 807-816.

Moretti, L., Morrás, H., Zech, W., Piccolo, G.: Origen y evolución Paleoambiental del Manto Ferralitico de la Provincia de Misiones. In: Actas del III Congreso Argentino de Cuaternario y Geomorfología. Tomo I. - Córdoba : 2006. - 753-762.


Zech, W., Hintermaier-Erhard, G.: Böden der Welt : Ein Bildatlas. - Heidelberg : Spektrum, Akad. Verl., 2002. - 120

Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Kaupenjohann, M., Zech, W.: Refractory organic substances in aggregated forest soils - retention versus translocation. In: Frimmel, Fritz H. ; Abbt-Braun, Gudrun ; Heumann, Klaus G. ; Hock, Berthold ; Lüdemann, Hans-Dietrich ; Spiteller, Michael (Hrsg.): Refractory organic substances in the environment. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2002. - 411-434.

Renck, A., Lehmann, J., Teixeira, W., Huwe, B., Zech, W.: Soil nutrient leaching in mixed tree cropping systems in the central Amazon. In: Lieberei, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Neotropical ecosystems : Proceedings of the German-Brazilian Workshop, Hamburg 2000. - Geesthacht : GKSS-Forschungszentrum, 2002. - 258.


Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Release of natural organic matter sorbed to soil minerals. In: R. S. Swift, K. M. Spark (eds.): Understanding and managing organic matter in soils, sediments and waters. - St. Paul, Minn. : International Humic Substances Society, 2001. - 339-346.

Guggenberger, G., Thomas, R., Zech, W.: Soil organic matter within earthworm casts of an anecic–endogeic tropical pasture community, Colombia. In: Juan J. Jiménez, Richard Thomas (eds.): Nature's plow: Soil macroinvertebrate communities in the neotropical savannas of Colombia. - Cali : CIAT, 2001. - 212-226.

Guggenberger, G., Haumaier, L., Thomas, R., Zech, W.: Assessing the organic phosphorus status of an Oxisol under tropical pastures following native savanna, using 31P NMR spectroscopy. In: Juan J. Jiménez, Richard Thomas (eds.): Nature's plow: Soil macroinvertebrate communities in the neotropical savannas of Colombia. - Cali : CIAT, 2001. - 299-311.

Glaser, B., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: Black carbon in sustainable soils of the Brazilian Amazon region. In: R. S. Swift, K. M. Spark (eds.): Understanding and managing organic matter in soils, sediments and waters. - St. Paul, Minn. : International Humic Substances Society, 2001. - 359-364.

Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: Dissolved organic nutrients (N, P and S) in shallow forest soils : fluxes and spectroscopic characterization. In: Rees, Robert M. (Hrsg.): Sustainable management of soil organic matter. - Wallingford : CABI Publ., 2001. - 256-263.

Guggenberger, G., Zech, W., Thomas, R.: Lignin and carbohydrate alteration in particle-size separates of an Oxisol under tropical pastures following native savanna. In: Juan J. Jiménez, Richard Thomas (eds.): Nature's Plow: Soil Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Neotropical Savannas of Colombia. - Cali : CIAT, 2001. - 312-328.

Glaser, B., Guggenberger, G., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Persistence of soil organic matter in archaeological soils (Terra Preta) of the Brazilian Amazon region. In: Rees, Robert M. (Hrsg.): Sustainable management of soil organic matter. - Wallingford : CABI Publ., 2001. - 190-194.


Zech, W., Glaser, B., Turrión, M., Solomon, D., Hailu, G., Ni, A., Petrov, M., Lemzin, I.: Effects of deforestation on organic matter properties of mountain soils of the Alay Range, Khyrgyzia : a geoecological case study in High Asia. In: Miehe, Georg (Hrsg.): Environmental changes in High Asia : proceedings of an international symposium held at the University of Marburg, Faculty of Geography, 29th of May to 1st of June 1997 under the auspices of the UNESCO. - Marburg/Lahn : Marburger Geographische Ges., 2000. - 83-93.

Dinkelmeyer, H., Lehmann, J., Kaiser, K., Teixeira, W., Renck, A., Zech, W.: Fate of applied N fertilizer in mixed cropping systems in the central Amazon. In: Proceedings of the 3rd National Brazilian Congress on Agroforestry, 21-25 Nov 2000, Manaus, Brazil. - Manaus, Brazil : 2000. - 196-198.

Zech, W., Morrás, H., Ayarza, M., da Silva Cravo, M., do Carmo Lima, S., da Silva, C., Valarezo, C., Vilela, L.: Geoecological case studies in selected Latin American ecosystems. In: Miller, Hubert (Hrsg.): Geoscientific cooperation with Latin America : 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro 2000. - Stuttgart : Schweizerbart, 2000. - 43-48.

Zech, W., Bäumler, R., Guggenberger, G., Petrov, M., Ni, A., Lemzin, I.: Pleistocene and Holocene landscape development in the Kichik Alay and Hissar Ranges (Khyrgyzia and Uzbekistan) as deduced from soil morphology. In: Miehe, Georg (Hrsg.): Environmental changes in High Asia : proceedings of an international symposium held at the University of Marburg, Faculty of Geography, 29th of May to 1st of June 1997 under the auspices of the UNESCO. - Marburg/Lahn : Marburger Geographische Ges., 2000. - 53-68.

Bäumler, R., Zech, W.: Soil development as an indicator of the Pleistocene and Holocene landscape history in Western Tien Shan and Nepal. In: Miehe, Georg (Hrsg.): Environmental changes in High Asia : proceedings of an International Symposium held at the University of Marburg, Faculty of Geography, 29th of May to 1st of June 1997 under the auspices of the UNESCO. - Marburg/Lahn : Marburger Geographische Ges., 2000. - 69-82.


Renz, T., Neufeldt, H., Ayarza, M., da Silva, J., Zech, W.: Acid monophosphatase : an indicator of phosphorus mineralization or of microbial activity? A case study from the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 173-186.

Westerhof, R., Buurman, P., van Griethuysen, C., Ayarza, M., Vilela, L., Zech, W.: Aggregation studied by laser diffraction in relation to plowing, soil organic matter, and lime in the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 64-76.

Krauß, M., Wilcke, W., Zech, W.: Bioverfügbarkeit von organischen Schadstoffen in Böden. In: Michael Joneck (eds.): Bodenschutz und Altlastensanierung. - Marktredwitz : 1999. - 111-116.

Bäumler, R., Zech, W.: Bodengenetische Untersuchungen zur Rekonstruktion der pleistozänen und holozänen Vergletscherung im Hissar-Gebirge (Usbekistan) und Kichik Alay-Gebirge (Kirgisien). In: Wolfgang Zech (eds.): Geosciences in High Asia : Proceedings of a Sympsoium held in Dushanbe (10/11 October 1998) on occasion of the 70th anniversary of the German-Soviet Alai-Pamir expedition in 1928. - Bayreuth : Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde und Bodengeographie der Univ. Bayreuth, 1999. - 127-184.

Westerhof, R., Vilela, L., Ayarza, M., Zech, W.: Carbon fractions as sensitive indicators of quality of soil organic matter. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 123-132.

Westerhof, R., Vilela, L., Ayarza, M., Zech, W.: Characterizing labile and stable nitrogen. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 141-145.

Neufeldt, H., Ayarza, M., Resck, D., Zech, W.: Distribution of water-stable aggregates and aggregating agents in oxisols of the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 51-63.

Thomas, R., Ayarza, M., Neufeldt, H., Westerhof, R., Zech, W.: General conclusions. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 215-227.

Geosciences in High Asia : Proceedings of a Symposium held in Dushanbe (10/11 October 1998) on occasion of the 70th anniversary of the German-Soviet Alai-Pamir expedition in 1928. - Zech, W. (eds.). - Bayreuth : Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde und Bodengeographie, 1999. - XIV, 217

Neufeldt, H., Zech, W., Thomas, R.: Introduction : Sustainable land management for the oxisols of the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 1-9.

Westerhof, R., Vilela, L., Ayarza, M., Zech, W.: Labile N and the nitrogen management index of oxisols in the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 133-140.

Renz, T., Neufeldt, H., Ayarza, M., Resck, D., Zech, W.: Microbial biomass, microbial activity, and carbon pools under different land-use systems in the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 187-197.

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Ayarza, M., Vilela, L., do Carmo Lima, S., Zech, W.: Micronutrients in soils, precipitation and soil solution of native savanna and Pinus plantations in Brazil. In: Wenzel, W. W. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of extended abstracts 5th ICOBTE '99, 5th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, July 11 - 15, 1999, Vienna, Austria. Band 2. - Wien : International Society for Trace Element Research, 1999. - 676-677.

Zech, W., Amelung, W., Neufeldt, H.: Organic matter in termite mounds of the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 198-202.

Neufeldt, H., Zech, W.: Oxisol development along a compound catena of Rio Araguari, Central Brazil. In: Schäbitz, Frank ; Liebricht, Helga (Hrsg.): Beiträge zur quartären Landschaftsentwicklung Südamerikas. - Bamberg : Fach Geographie an der Univ. Bamberg im Selbstverl., 1999. - 49-62.

Neufeldt, H., de Oliveira Schneider, M., Zech, W.: Oxisol development along a compound catena of the Araguari River, Central Brazil. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 10-21.

Laabs, V., Amelung, W., Zech, W.: Pesticides in soil, sediment, and water samples from a small microbasin in the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 203-214.

Neufeldt, H., da Silva, J., Ayarza, M., Zech, W.: Phosphorus fractions under different land-use systems in oxisols of the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 146-158.

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Neufeldt, H., Ayarza, M., Zech, W.: Phosphorus pools in bulk soil and aggregates of differently textured oxisols under different land-use systems in the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 159-172.

Eusterbrock, L., Wilcke, W., Krauß, M., Zech, W.: Polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) und polychlorierte Biphenyle (PCB) in urbanen Böden Bayreuths. In: Michael Joneck (eds.): Bodenschutz und Altlastensanierung. - Marktredwitz : 1999. - 235-239.

Freibauer, A., Westerhof, R., Ayarza, M., da Silva, J., Zech, W.: Short-term variation in aggregation and particulate organic matter under crops and pastures. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 77-88.

Lehmann, J., Günther, D., da Mota, S., Kaiser, K., Treter, U., Zech, W.: Single-tree effects on soil P pools in a multi-strata agroforestry system. In: Jiménez, Francisco ; Beer, John (Hrsg.): Multi-strata agroforestry systems with perennial crops. - Turrialba : Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Center, 1999. - 120-123.

Bäumler, R., Zech, W., Savoskul, O., Petrov, M., Ni, A.: Soil geographical studies on Pleistocene and Holocene deposits of the northwestern Tien Shan (Uzbekistan). In: Wolfgang Zech (eds.): Geosciences in High Asia : Proceedings of a Sympsoium held in Dushanbe (10/11 October 1998) on occasion of the 70th anniversary of the German-Soviet Alai-Pamir Expedition in 1928. - Bayreuth : Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde und Bodengeographie der Univ. Bayreuth, 1999. - 99-126.

Fuhrmann, S., Neufeldt, H., Westerhof, R., Ayarza, M., da Silva, J., Zech, W.: Soil organic carbon, carbohydrates, amino sugars, and potentially mineralizable nitrogen under different land-use systems in oxisols of the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 110-122.

Neufeldt, H., Resck, D., Ayarza, M., Zech, W.: Soil organic matter in oxisols of the Brazilian Cerrados. In: Thomas, Richard ; Ayarza, Miguel A. (Hrsg.): Sustainable land management for the Oxisols of the Latin American savannas. - Cali : CIAT, 1999. - 89-109.


Zech, W.: Assessment of SHIFT results : Soils and abiotics. In: Lieberei, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Third SHIFT-Workshop Manaus, March 15 - 19, 1998 : a German - Brazilian research program. - Geesthacht : GKSS-Forschungszentrum, 1998. - 9-11.

Zhang, X., Amelung, W., Zech, W.: Can amino sugars serve as indicators of climate variations and land use on soil organic matter?. In: Blume, Hans-Peter (Hrsg.): Towards sustainable land use : furthering cooperation between people and institutions. Vol. 1. - Reiskirchen : Catena-Verl., 1998. - 225-230.

Schrumpf, M., Schubert, C., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: Classification and nutrient status of a soil toposequence in the South Ecuadorian Andes. In: 16. Geowissenschaftliches Lateinamerika-Kolloquium : Zusammenfassungen der Tagungsbeiträge; 16. - 18. Oktober 1998, Bayreuth. - Köln : Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, 1998. - 147-148.

Amelung, W., Flach, K., Zhang, X., Zech, W.: Climatic effects on C pools of native and cultivated prairie. In: Blume, Hans-Peter (Hrsg.): Towards sustainable land use : furthering cooperation between people and institutions. Vol.1. - Reiskirchen : Catena-Verl., 1998. - 217-224.

Lehmann, J., Cravo, M., Zech, W.: Determination of ecologically relevant pools for soil organic matter stability in terra firme oxisols. In: Lieberei, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Third SHIFT-Workshop Manaus, March 15 - 19, 1998 : a German - Brazilian research program. - Geesthacht : GKSS-Forschungszentrum, 1998. - 441-452.

Freibauer, A., Lilienfein, J., Ayarza, M., da Silva, J., Zech, W.: Fertilizer P transformations in loamy and clayey oxisols of central Brazil. In: Blume, Hans-Peter (Hrsg.): Towards sustainable land use : furthering cooperation between people and institutions. Vol.1. - Reiskirchen : Catena-Verl., 1998. - 637-643.

Kretzschmar, S., Bundt, M., Saborio, G., Wilcke, W., Zech, W.: Heavy metals in soils of Costa Rican coffee plantations. In: Hans-Peter Blume (eds.): Towards sustainable land use : furthering cooperation between people and institutions. Vol. 1. - Reiskirchen : Catena-Verl., 1998. - 721-726.

Lehmann, J., von Willert, F., Wulf, S., Zech, W.: Influence of runoff irrigation on nitrogen dynamics of Sorghum bicolor (L.) in Northern Kenya. In: Blume, Hans-Peter (Hrsg.): Towards sustainable land use : furthering cooperation between people and institutions. Vol. 2. - Reiskirchen : Catena-Verl., 1998. - 1255-1260.

Lehmann, J., Schroth, G., Teixeira, W., Zech, W., Cravo, M.: Nutrient and water dynamics in a multi-strata agroforestry system. In: II. Congresso Brasileiro em Sistemas Agroflorestais : Sistemas Agroflorestais no Contexto da Qualidade Ambiental e Competitividade; resumos expandidos. - Belém : Embrapa-CPATU, 1998. - 38-41.

Zech, W., Drechsel, P.: Nutrient disorders and nutrient management in fast growing plantations. In: Schulte, Andreas (Hrsg.): Soils of tropical forest ecosystems : characteristics, ecology and management. - Berlin : Springer, 1998. - 99-106.

Zech, W., Kaiser, K., Wilcke, W., Lehmann, J., Huwe, B.: Off-site impacts and nutrient dynamics in catchment research. In: Penning de Vries, Frits W. T. (Hrsg.): Soil erosion at multiple scales : principles and methods for assessing causes and impacts. - Wallingford : CABI in association with the International Board for Soil Research and Management (IBSRAM), 1998. - 193-206.

Lehmann, J., Droppelmann, K., Küper, U., Berliner, P., Nyabundi, J., Zech, W.: Optimizing biomass production in a runoff agroforestry system in Northern Kenya. In: Ellenberg, Hermann (Hrsg.): Beiträge zur Tropenökologie : Vorträge und Poster der 8. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, Hamburg, 02 bis 05.02.1995. - Hamburg : Wiedebusch, 1998. - 59-63.

Amelung, W., Martius, C., Garcia, M., Küper, U., Ulbrich, D., Zech, W.: Organic matter in termite mounds of an Amazonian rain forest. In: Lieberei, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Third SHIFT-Workshop Manaus, March 25 - 19, 1998 : a German - Brazilian research program. - Geesthacht : GKSS-Forschungszentrum, 1998. - 493-496.

Zech, W., Glaser, B., Turrión, M., Garleff, K., Stingl, H.: Organic matter transformations in soils of the altoandine belt as influenced by man : a geoecological study in the Sierra de Santa Victoria, NW-Argentina. In: 16. Geowissenschaftliches Lateinamerika-Kolloquium : Zusammenfassungen der Tagungsbeiträge; 16. - 18. Oktober 1998, Bayreuth. - Köln : Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, 1998. - 178.

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Ayarza, M., Vilela, L., do Carmo Lima, S., Zech, W.: Partitioning of phosphorus, sulphur, and molybdenum in differently used Brazilian savannah oxisols. In: 16. Geowissenschaftliches Lateinamerika-Kolloquium : Zusammenfassungen der Tagungsbeiträge; 16. - 18. Oktober 1998, Bayreuth. - Köln : Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, 1998. - 184-185.

Schroth, G., Teixeira, W., Villani, E., Faccin, P., Haag, D., Wolf, M., Correia, F., da Silva, L., Seixas, R., Zech, W.: Single-tree effects in agroforestry with perennial crops - an approach to the optimisation of tropical land use systems. In: Lieberei, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Third SHIFT-Workshop Manaus, March 15 - 19, 1998 : a German - Brazilian research program. - Geesthacht : GKSS-Forschungszentrum, 1998. - 453-460.

Wilcke, W., Kobza, J., Zech, W.: Small-scale distribution of airborne heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a contaminated Slovak soil toposequence. In: Blume, Hans-Peter (Hrsg.): Towards sustainable land use : furthering cooperation between people and institutions. Vol.1. - Reiskirchen : Catena-Verl., 1998. - 689-695.

Bäumler, R., Zech, W.: Soils on glacial and glaciofluvial deposits in Central and Eastern Nepal in relation to classification and landscape history. In: Chalise, Suresh R. (Hrsg.): Ecohydrology of high mountain areas : Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecohydrology of High Mountain Areas, Kathmandu, Nepal, 24-28 March 1996. - Kathmandu : Internat. Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, 1998. - 439-449.

Guggenberger, G., Peinemann, N., Zech, W.: Sources and transformation of soil organic matter in Argentinian Hapludolls. In: 16. Geowissenschaftliches Lateinamerika-Kolloquium : 14.- 16. Oktober 1998, Bayreuth ; Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeiträge. - Köln : Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, 1998. - 58.

Zech, W., Schroth, G., Cravo, M., Teixeira, W., Kaiser, K., Lehmann, J.: Water and nutrient fluxes as indicators for the sustainability of different land-use systems on the terra firme near Manaus - a project overview. In: Lieberei, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Third SHIFT-Workshop Manaus, March 25 - 19, 1998 : a German - Brazilian research program. - Geesthacht : GKSS-Forschungszentrum, 1998. - 435-440.


Zech, W., Lehmann, J., Amelung, W., Schroth, G.: Bodenverbesserung durch holzige Leguminosen in tropischen Agroforstsystemen. In: Ottow, Johannes C. G. (Hrsg.): Leguminosen zur Verbesserung und nachhaltigen Sicherung der Agrarproduktion. - Gießen : Wiss. Zentrum Tropeninst. Gießen, 1997. - 191-202.

Lehmann, J., Wulf, S., Zech, W.: Can trees recover nutrients under high leaching conditions?. In: Agroforestry for sustainable land-use : fundamental research and modelling temperate and Mediterranean applications ; summaries of the communications presented at the international workshop, Montpellier, France, 23-29 Juin 1997. - Montpellier : CIRAD, 1997. - 155-158.

Miltner, A., Zech, W.: Changes in organic matter composition during incubation of beech litter in the presence of minerals. In: Drozd, Jerzy (Hrsg.): The role of humic substances in the ecosystems and in environmental protection : Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wrocław, Poland, September, 9 - 14, 1996. - Wrocław : Polish Society of Humic Substances, 1997. - 437-442.

Makarov, M., Malysheva, T., Zech, W., Haumaier, L.: Interaction of inorganic phosphorus with soil humic substances. In: Drozd, Jerzy (Hrsg.): The role of humic substances in the ecosystems and in environmental protection : Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wrocław, Poland, September, 9 - 14, 1996. - Wrocław : Polish Society of Humic Substances, 1997. - 413-418.

Paramonova, T., Zech, W.: Investigation of humic acids structure from a podzol profile : wet chemical and 13C NMR spectroscopic data. In: Drozd, Jerzy (Hrsg.): The role of humic substances in the ecosystems and in environmental protection : Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wrocław, Poland, September, 9 - 14, 1996. - Wrocław : Polish Society of Humic Substances, 1997. - 469-474.

Lehmann, J., Zech, W.: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Ertragssteigerung in tropischen Alley-cropping Systemen. In: Ottow, Johannes C. G. (Hrsg.): Leguminosen zur Verbesserung und nachhaltigen Sicherung der Agrarproduktion. - Gießen : Wiss. Zentrum Tropeninst., 1997. - 165-175.

Zech, W., Amelung, W., Neufeldt, H.: Organic matter in termite mounds of the Cerrados, Brazil. In: Drozd, Jerzy (Hrsg.): The role of humic substances in the ecosystems and in environmental protection : Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wrocław, Poland, September, 9 - 14, 1996. - Wrocław : Polish Society of Humic Substances, 1997. - 263-268.

Lehmann, J., Küper, U., Zech, W.: Organic matter properties of soils with varying land use in a semiarid tropical environment. In: Drozd, Jerzy (Hrsg.): The role of humic substances in the ecosystems and in environmental protection : Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wrocław, Poland, September, 9 - 14, 1996. - Wrocław : Polish Society of Humic Substances, 1997. - 399-406.

Makarov, M., Malysheva, T., Zech, W., Haumaier, L.: Phosphorus compounds in humic and fulvic acids derived from various soils. In: Drozd, Jerzy (Hrsg.): The role of humic substances in the ecosystems and in environmental protection : Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wrocław, Poland, September, 9 - 14, 1996. - Wrocław : Polish Society of Humic Substances, 1997. - 407-412.

Amelung, W., Flach, K., Zech, W.: Small scale heterogeneity of organic species in ped surface and core. In: Drozd, Jerzy (Hrsg.): The role of humic substances in the ecosystems and in environmental protection : Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wrocław, Poland, September, 9 - 14, 1996. - Wrocław : Polish Society of Humic Substances, 1997. - 221-226.

Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Structure-dependent sorption of dissolved organic matter on soils and related minerals. In: Drozd, Jerzy (Hrsg.): The role of humic substances in the ecosystems and in environmental protection : Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wrocław, Poland, September, 9 - 14, 1996. - Wrocław : Polish Society of Humic Substances, 1997. - 385-390.


Bäumler, R., Kemp-Oberhettinger, M., Zech, W.: Bodengenetische Untersuchungen zur Moränenstratigraphie im Langtang-Tal (Zentralnepal) und im Solu, Khumbu (Ostnepal). - Bayreuth : Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde und Bodengeographie, 1996. - VI, 91


Lindemann, J., Peiffer, S., Herrmann, R., Kaupenjohann, M., Zech, W.: Ökosysteminterne Neutralisierung atmosphärischer Säureeinträge durch redoxchemische Prozesse in Quellmooren (Frankenwald, NO-Bayern). In: Internationales Symposium Grundwasserversauerung durch Atmosphärische Deposition - Ursachen, Auswirkungen, Sanierungsstrategien: 26. - 28. Oktober 1994, Bayreuth, Deutschland. - München : 1995. - 197-200.


Zech, W., Reuschel, S., Wohlfromm, J.: Humuschemische Veränderungen während der Fermentation von Fichtenrinde. - Bayreuth : Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde und Bodengeographie, 1993. - 107


Exkursionsführer (Supplementband NO-Bayern) zur Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 1991 in Bayreuth. - Zech, W. (eds.). - Bayreuth : Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde und Bodengeographie, 1991. - 273

Symposium Mineralstoffversorgung Tropischer Waldbäume : Universität Bayreuth, Juli 1989. - Zech, W. (eds.). - Bayreuth : Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde und Bodengeographie, 1991. - 146

Other publications


Andreev, A., Müller, S., Zech, M., Dickmann, B., Zech, W., Tarasov, P.: Late Quaternary environmental changes in the extreme-continental Verkhoyansk Mountains, East Siberia, Russia. Quaternary International, 167-168, 10 (2007).

Fritsche, F., Zech, W., Guggenberger, G.: Soils of the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley escarpment: A transect study. Catena, 70(2), 209-219 (2007).


Glaser, B., Zech, M., Buggle, B., Zech, W.: 18O signature of plant- and microbial-derived sugars : terrestrial palaeoclimatic proxy?. - (Poster), International Workshop "Lower Latitudes Loess-Dust Transport Past and Present", 06.-10.03.2006, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain.


Hambach, U., Zech, M., Zech, R., Zech, W.: A combined rock magnetic and paleo-pedologic investigation of a loess section from the Tumara valley, NE Siberia. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6, EGU04-A-04199 (2004).


Guggenberger, G., Zech, W., Matzner, E.: Böden als Quellen und Senken für CO2. Spektrum, (1), 56-60 (2002).


Zech, W., Madhikermi, D., Gerl, T., Beck, E.: Rekonstruktion der spätglazialen und holozänen Vergletscherung des Annapurna III-Nordgletschers unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Böden als Indikatoren für Klimaschwankungen. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 37(2), 141-158 (2001).

Goller, R., Fleischbein, K., Yasin, S., Wilcke, W., Valarezo, C., Zech, W.: Heterogenität von Bodeneigenschaften unter einem Bergregenwald in Ecuador. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 96(1), 185-186 (2001).

Maskey, S., Amelung, W., Zech, W.: Lignin and sugars in the upland and lowland soils of middle mountain of Nepal. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 49(2), 351-353 (2001).

Brodowski, S., Amelung, W., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Mechanismen und Regulation der Bildung von langfristig stabilem Humus aus pyrogenem Kohlenstoff. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 96(1), 161-162 (2001).

Yasin, S., Wilcke, W., Valarezo, C., Zech, W.: Nährstoffbilanz von drei kleinen Wassereinzugsgebieten unter tropischem Bergregenwald in Südecuador. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 96(1), 313-314 (2001).


Glaser, B., Turrión, M., Ruthsatz, B., Zech, W.: Quantity and quality of organic matter in mountain soils of the Sierra de Santa Victoria, NW-Argentina : a geoecological study. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie : 1, Allgemeine, angewandte, regionale und historische Geologie, 1999,7/8, 1079-1093 (2000).

Neufeldt, H., Oliveira-Griesinger, M., Zech, W.: Soil genesis and landscape evolution along a toposequence of Rio Araguari, Central Brazil. Sociedade & Natureza, 12(23), 191-212 (2000).

Zipprich, M., Reizner, B., Zech, W., Stingl, H., Veit, H.: Upper Quaternary landscape and climate evolution in the Sierra de Santa Victoria (north-western Argentina) deduced from geomorphologic and pedogenic evidence. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie : 1, Allgemeine, angewandte, regionale und historische Geologie, 1999,7/8, 997-1011 (2000).


Möller, A., Kaiser, K., Amelung, W., Niamskul, C., Udomsri, S., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: 13C- und 31P-NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen zur Beziehung von organischem Kohlenstoff und Phosphor in tropischen Böden (Thailand). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(1), 445-448 (1999).

Glaser, B., Guggenberger, G., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Der Beitrag von pyrogenem Kohlenstoff zur organischen Substanz der Indianerschwarzerden (Terra Preta) Amazoniens. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(1), 335-338 (1999).

Amelung, W., Groß, R., Ayarza, M., Zech, W.: Bioziddynamik in Aggregat- und Partikelgrößen-Fraktionen eines Oxisols, Brasilien. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(1), 290-293 (1999).

Altstaedt, A., Amelung, W., Laabs, V., Pinto, A., Zech, W.: Biozide in Dichtefraktionen : Artefakte und Ergebnisse. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(1), 286-289 (1999).

Bäumler, R., Zech, W.: Bodenentwicklung und Klimageschichte im Kichik Alay, Kirgisien. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(2), 921-924 (1999).

Schwarz, A., Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Vilela, L., do Carmo Lima, S., Thomas, R., Zech, W.: Bodenversauerung unter Pinus caribaea-Aufforstungen in der brasilianischen Savanne. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(1), 502-505 (1999).

Schrumpf, M., Guggenberger, G., Valarezo, C., Zech, W.: Entwicklung und ökologische Eigenschaften von Böden in einem Höhentransekt der südecuadorianischen Anden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(2), 1104-1107 (1999).

Zech, W., Lehmann, J., Amelung, W., Schroth, G.: Improvement of the soil by woody legumes in tropical agroforestry systems. Natural Resources and Development, 51, 98-109 (1999).

Winkler, A., Haumaier, L., Zech, W.: Leisten Hopanoide einen signifikanten Beitrag zu den Alkyl-C-Verbindungen in Böden?. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(1), 550-553 (1999).

Nikolakis, A., Amelung, W., Zech, W.: Multirückstandsanalyse von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Böden und Gewässern Thailands. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(1), 449-452 (1999).

Bol, R., Amelung, W., Friedrich, C., Zech, W.: Natural 13C abundance : a tool to trace the incorporation of dung-derived C into soil and its primary particles. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(1), 306-309 (1999).

Amelung, W., Martius, C., Garcia, M., Zech, W.: Organische Bodensubstanz in Dichtefraktionen von Termitennestern unterschiedlicher Provenienz. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 89, 147 (1999).

Wilcke, W., Zech, W.: Polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) in tropischen Böden : Gehalte, Muster, Quellen. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(1), 546-549 (1999).

Bäumler, R., Zech, W., Ni, A., Savoskul, O.: Soil geographical and pedogeochemical studies on Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation in the northwestern Tien Shan (Uzbekistan). Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 35(2), 147-173 (1999).

Lilienfein, J., Wilcke, W., Vilela, L., do Carmo Lima, S., Thomas, R., Zech, W.: Verlauf der Nährstoffkonzentrationen in der Bodenlösung unterschiedlich bearbeiteter Ackerböden in der brasilianischen Savanne zu Beginn der Regenzeit. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(1), 434-437 (1999).

Zech, W., Yasin, S., Wilcke, W., Valarezo, C.: Wasser- und Nährstoffhaushalt von Bergwald-Kleineinzugsgebieten in Südecuador. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91(1), 562-565 (1999).


Kaiser, K., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: Formation of refractory soil organic matter by sorption. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 87, 211-223 (1998).

Bäumler, R., Zech, W.: Impact of forest interventions on the water regime and water quality of mountain forest ecosystems in the Bavarian Alps. Écologie, 29(1-2), 271-276 (1998).

Miltner, A., Zech, W.: Oxides change the degradation kinetics of C pools in litter material. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, 161(1), 93-94 (1998).

Guggenberger, G., Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: SOM pools and transformation determined by physical fractionation. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 87, 175-189 (1998).


Glaser, B., Haumaier, L., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W.: Black carbon in soils : The use of benzene polycarboxylic acids as specific indicators. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 85(1), 237-240 (1997).

Neufeldt, H., Ayarza, M., Zech, W.: Effect of land management on SOC and polysaccharide signature in particle-size separates of Cerrado oxisols. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 85(2), 977-980 (1997).

Zech, W., Bäumler, R., Savoskul, O., Braitseva, O., Melekestsev, I.: Evidence of Middle Pleistocene glaciation in SW-Kamchatka. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 33(1), 15-20 (1997).

Bundt, M., Kretzschmar, S., Zech, W., Wilcke, W.: Jahreszeitliche Mangandynamik in Bodenaggregaten sowie in Blättern und Xylemsaft von Coffea arabica (L.). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 85(2), 857-860 (1997).

Flach, K., Amelung, W., Zhang, X., Zech, W.: Klimaeinfluß auf Aminozucker in Korngrößenfraktionen nordamerikanischer Prärieböden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 85(2), 641 (1997).

Amelung, W., Sumann, M., Rodionov, A., Zech, W.: Klimaeinfluß auf organische P-Bindungsformen in Korngrößenfraktionen russischer Steppen- und nordamerikanischer Prärieböden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 85(2), 637-640 (1997).

Rodionov, A., Amelung, W., Zech, W.: Lignin und Polysaccharide in zonalen Steppenböden Rußlands. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 85(2), 665-668 (1997).

Laabs, V., Amelung, W., Zech, W.: Eine multi-residue-Methode für die Analyse von Bioziden in Oxisols. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 85(1), 271-274 (1997).

Kaiser, K., Zech, W.: Natural organic matter sorption on different mineral surfaces studied by DRIFT spectroscopy. Sciences of Soils, 2 (1997).

Lilienfein, J., Zech, W., Ayarza, M., Vilela, L., Wilcke, W.: Phosphor-, Schwefel- und Molybdänstatus unterschiedlich genutzter brasilianischer Savannenböden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 85(1), 287-290 (1997).

Müller, S., Kanchanakool, N., Zech, W., Wilcke, W.: Polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) und polychlorierte Biphenyle (PCB) in Korngrößen- und Dichtefraktionen urbaner Böden Bangkoks. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 85(2), 753-756 (1997).

Zech, W.: Tropen - Lebensraum der Zukunft? Eine Analyse zur Rolle des Bodens aus der Sicht der Geoökologie. Geographische Rundschau, 49(1), 11-17 (1997).

Zech, W., Wilcke, W., Amelung, W., Guggenberger, G.: Wie vergiftet sind die Böden? Fallstudien zur Bodenbelastung durch anorganische und organische Schadstoffe. Geographie und Schule, 19(108), 2-14 (1997).

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