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Britta Planer-Friedrich: Curriculum Vitae


11/2004 PhD in Hydrogeology / Geochemistry at the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany

PhD thesis “Volatile Arsenic in Aquatic Environments” in cooperation with the US Geological Survey, Boulder, Colorado, and the Yellowstone National Park Service: method development for quantification of all volatile metals and metalloids and speciation of volatile arsenic, application and detection of new volatile compounds at Yellowstone NP

06/2000 Master of Science (Diplom) in Geology at the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, with specialisation in hydrogeology, environmental geology, engineering, and structural geology

Master thesis “Hydrogeological and hydrochemical investigations in the Rioverde basin, Mexico” in cooperation with the UNAM (Universidad Autonoma de Mexico): determination of water quantity problems, salination of aquifers, development and improvement of field test kit for arsenite/arsenate speciation, determination of pesticides

10/1996 Bachelor of Science (Vordiplom) in Geology at the Julius Maximilian University Würzburg


Work experience

since 02/2012    Associate Professor (W2) University Bayreuth Environmental Geochemistry 

10/2008 - 02/2012 Assistant Professor (W1) University Bayreuth Environmental Geochemistry
with an Emmy Noether Young Researcher Group from the German Research Foundation (DFG); Project: “Hydrogeochemical Speciation of Arsenic, Gold and Copper in Iron-Sulfide Systems considering abiotic and microbial catalyzed interactions“ (2008-2014)

03/2008 - 09/2008  Postdoctoral Researcher TU Bergakademie Freiberg 

12/2005 - 02/2008   Postdoctoral Researcher with a stipend from the Academy of Scientists Leopoldina at Trent University, Peterborough, Canada, research project: “Importance of arsenic-sulfur compounds”

07/2004 - 11/2005 Research and teaching assistant at the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg: supervising master students, lectures and lab trainings, research proposal application with the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project “Arsenic-sulfur speciation – a potential key to understanding arsenic accumulation and mobilisation in sulfidic aquifers of Bangladesh” (granted 02/2006)

06/2005 - 07/2005 Visiting scientist at the Marie Curie Excellence Center Liverpool, UK, project: "Inorganic Arsenic Speciation by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry with a Gold Microwire Eelectrode"

2003 - 2004 Laboratory head of the research lab for atomic absorption spectrometry and the students laboratory: start-up of new laboratories, design and application of laboratory rules, work spaces, and assistance in project startup for students

2002 - 2005 Team member in all 3 stages of ILE (internet learning environment), a ministry-supported project for internet-based students´ education with interactive multiple-choice questions (stage 1, started in 2002, design of questions in groundwater chemistry and thermodynamic modeling, evaluation of practice and exam mode, integration of application in existing lectures including final evaluation by students), an online text book on "Groundwater Management" (completed in 2004 as stage 2, serves as model for future correspondence courses) and a virtual water laboratory (completed in 2005 as stage 3, based on a lecture given on analytical water chemistry, tested and evaluated with students)

2001 - 2002 Scientific and technical conference coordinator of the International Conference on Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology III (15.-21.09.2002), organized by the Department of Geology, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg with 400 participants from about 40 different countries

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